UFO Made on Earth – 2

A photo from open sources

The version that many of the UFOs seen may be secret development of the military, many are skeptical. A in vain. Designers really had a hand in many of them. closed KB. We will only find out about this many years later, when projects remove the privacy stamp.

Secret development of closed KB

We are used to the classic scheme of the aircraft: the fuselage, tail, wings. But engineers are creative people, prone to break familiar designs. Look at the jet plane developed in Germany from 1931 to 1945. Even in the 21st century it the scheme seems somewhat unusual, to say nothing of the 30-40s years!

And here is the 1959 Flying Saucer made in Canada

A photo from open sources The device with vertical take-off and landing. The project was closed in 1961, but 2 copies were built and were tested.

But the Soviet development in 1981, ekranolet – flying wing hovercraft. Flight altitude from 3 to 11.000m, speed from 120 to 700km / h. An airfield is not required; it lands on any level surface (field, arable land), and even on water.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

2 cars weighing 9 tons each were built and flew.

Needless to say, these projects, like many others, were secret? But how people perceived the “design research” who saw them completely by accident?

UAV era

In the XX century, UFOs began to see much more often. But only aliens to blame for this? Back during World War II unmanned aerial vehicles began to be used. First it were radio-controlled models used as targets for training air defense calculations. (Radioplane OQ-2, USA, 1940) The development of technology has expanded and the scope of UAVs. In 1944 the first unmanned bomber appeared (Interstate TDR, USA, 1944).

In 1961, a Soviet drone flew into the sky reconnaissance aircraft TU-143 “Hawk”, in 1970 – TU-143 “Flight”, in 1974 – TU-141 “Swift”. And for more than 10 years, the USSR was a world leader in UAV production! Americans widely and successfully used UAVs in during the Vietnam War, mainly for reconnaissance purposes. Only who then knew about it, except for specialists? Everyman was shown airplanes in the cockpits of which valiant pilots sat. To interesting “flying pieces of iron”?

In 1997, messages were sent from the southeast of England about UFO sightings. Often attached in a hurry was attached to the message fuzzy picture. Journalists gasped and put news on the front pages of their newspapers. And the military grinned and silent in a rag. Did they not know that in the county of Norfolk, where the messages come from, there are several airbases at once Royal Air Force: in Marham, Coltischall, Wattisham and Honington. AND UAV units have recently settled there! And for uninitiated drones really look like a UFO!

Design features

In the UAV, by definition, there is no cockpit, system life support and protection, and many others. Therefore outwardly they strikingly different from the usual planes. That’s how you think what will be the first reaction of a person who saw in the sky here is a “miracle”?

And if only that!

Extraterrestrial UFO Maneuverability

Many eyewitnesses note the stunning UFO maneuverability, inaccessible, as they think, to earthly technology. Alas but maneuverability terrestrial aircraft is limited not only to technical capabilities of cars, but also the presence of a pilot in it. Although the pilots only people with excellent physical data are selected, anyway there is a threshold beyond which overloads become for man beyond.

Iron calmly withstands 20-fold increase in strength severities unacceptable to humans. An UAV can, hovering in the air, start abruptly or stop abruptly. Make a turn under 90 degrees.

Crashed UFO

Technique is technique. Individual components and parts fail electronics fail. What happens when a UAV crashes? In place the military urgently arrives in the fall, cordon is exposed, strangers are pushed as far as possible. Crashed machine stacked in the truck arrived, carefully wrapping an awning from prying eyes, and taken away in an unknown direction. Familiar picture?

And if the UAV crashed, which is still undergoing tests and is considered secret? The military is driven 2 times more and to all involuntary witnesses are urged to forget everything that they have seen. And no matter what experts say later, eyewitnesses will stubbornly swear on camera: “I saw with my own eyes! It was a UFO that came and took the military. ”

Therefore, without denying any interest from aliens to planet Earth, seeing something unusual in the sky, do not rush with conclusions. Not all UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin.

War Time Aircraft USA

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