Ufologists believe that Jesus Christ was an alien

Ufologists believe that Jesus Christ was an alienA photo from open sources

If official science denies God in principle, yes and to aliens are insofar as, for ufologists, positioning themselves also as scientists, UFOs and aliens are the main object of study, with faith in the Almighty in this case very relative. For example, some ufologists even try make faith in aliens a kind of religion, from where, apparently, the assumption appeared that Jesus Christ was an alien.

Indirect evidence that Jesus is an alien

According to ufologists-conspiracy theorists, all the miracles of Christ, accompanying him through life are easily explained by unearthly him origin, starting from the star of Bethlehem, which in fact business could be an alien ship, and ending with a kind of departure through a demonstration of the crucifixion on the cross. By the way, and all the other miracles, which Jesus did, for example, raised the dead, healed seriously ill, turned water into wine and much more, he could make a representative of an extraterrestrial highly developed race. And even the second the coming of the Messiah in order to establish the kingdom of God on earth, not that other than planned by highly developed aliens second a wave of “colonization” that is likely to occur when earthlings have reached a certain level of moral and spiritual development. So far, apparently, we have not yet won this honor …

A photo from open sources

This theory is also supported by the fact that the true many ancient scholars knew the origin of the Son of God, about which the church is simply silent, and reliable sources of this knowledge long gone: they are either destroyed or securely hidden in storage secret library of the Vatican.

This theory of ufologists is confirmed by the fact that in addition to light (Divine) civilization, on Earth there are dark aliens (representatives of the Devil), say reptilians and grays. After all virtually all known religions somehow reflect the struggle light and dark aliens for the Earth. It is possible that Jesus Christ was destroyed just by reptilians through their faithful novices Pharisees.

What, then, is the origin of the universe?

Even if we assume that the theory considered in this article true, since it is also confirmed by ancient paintings and icons that depicted “flying saucers” and others attributes of aliens, the main question remains open, which science and religion decide differently – who created the universe? Assume that aliens fail, because then another natural question arises – who created them themselves? FROM Almighty this is somehow more or less clear, although still ancient the sages warned that man cannot comprehend God, he too primitive for that.

A photo from open sources

But after all, to believe in some kind of Big Bang that gave rise to The universe, according to scientists, is also not easy: but where did it come from? undertook, like everything else? It turns out, we are not given to comprehend, nor neither one nor the other. But can we comprehend even aliens? Not those, of course, whom we ourselves invented and then depicted in books, cinema, and true representatives of the higher unearthly races, which, as the same Jesus Christ, can work miracles that make us fall prostrate before them …

Ufologists now only have to determine which alien Jesus Christ belonged to civilization, although this is not done today it’s so easy, considering that all ancient knowledge is either lost, or reliably hidden, and the aliens themselves are in no hurry to take us into their own embrace.

Universe Reptilians

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