Ufologists have discovered a whole flock of mermaids. Video

Ufologists have discovered a whole flock of mermaids. VideoA photo from open sources

Last week was rich in ufological catch – providing new evidence on the web that our world is not as primitive and boring as it seeks to present humanity is an academic science that denies almost everything Do not touch. However, there is even a reservation: Orthodox scholars often rebel against obvious facts, things you can even touch, for example, archaeological finds – unique artifacts. Everything works the same principle: do not change the established view of the world, since this fraught with unpredictable consequences. For whom?..

A photo from open sources

Using a drone off the coast of California (Dana Point area, which just south of Los Angeles) an amazing video was shot on which captures a whole flock of mermaids – mysterious humanoid figures frolicking in the sea.

Note (in the video) that filmed creatures are thrown out of water hands, like swimmers using the butterfly technique, with in this, the long bodies of all these creatures end in tail – or, by at least, it is very similar to the tail, for example, so you can fold legs specially adapted for swimming.

Some Internet patrons claim it’s just dolphins with long fins that are easy to take for hands. FROM the famous ufologist Scott Waring strongly disagrees with this, who claims that mermaids exist that he himself saw in Taiwan their dried bodies in one of the coastal shops. ABOUT the existence of this underwater people there are a lot of legends, but also a lot of real evidence and even material evidence. Therefore, the researcher concludes, why not to assume that in this case we are not dealing with an illusion, but a real demonstration, I’m not talking about a fake – such it’s almost impossible to fake …

Mermaids Scott Waring

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