UK resident, self who gave birth to a baby at home, did not even suspect her pregnancy

A resident of Great Britain who gave birth to a baby at home herself did not even suspect her pregnancy.A photo from open sources

This is not only a curious, but also a very mysterious case, because in this story there is a lot of incomprehensibility even for seasoned doctors. In particular, why is a young woman all nine months old pregnancy did not notice what was happening in her body changes.

Unusual birth

At first this day was the most unremarkable for Charlotte Dubard – until she felt in her condition something is amiss. Without thinking twice, the 24-year-old Englishwoman undressed and, Using the camera from a smartphone, she examined herself. To own astonished, Charlotte saw the head of a baby whom she like It turned out quite successfully produces!

A photo from open sources

Hastening to the bathroom, the woman in labor without any problems resolved from burden and even cut the umbilical cord, using to this nail clippers. True, even vaguely remembers how all this happened as if under anesthesia …

Having coped with such a crucial matter, the newly minted mother called her lover and gave him good news. He rushed along and with great difficulty believed in reality what happened. At first, it seemed to the man that it was just found on the street is a child.

A photo from open sources

The surprise of doctors

A discouraged and happy parental couple turned in the clinic. After examining the newborn and the young mother, the doctors came to indescribable surprise. The kid was completely full-term and completely healthy, and Charlotte cut the umbilical cord completely professionally.

A photo from open sources

It’s strange that neither she nor her boyfriend absolutely suspected about who had a pregnancy and led a normal lifestyle. TO for example, Charlotte smoked and often drank alcohol; performing the hard work of the waitress, she did not experience the slightest discomfort.

Even more surprisingly, the girl did not stop taking contraceptives, neither before conception, nor in the next nine months when she was supposedly already pregnant. As she herself says (and with her boyfriend agrees with her) some miracle happened, as if Charlotte was planted at the last moment and helped to give birth without the slightest torment and complications, and then correctly cut the umbilical cord.

A photo from open sources

Similar births are rare in the world, but they are not unique.

Many Internet users believe that this miracle happened. not without the participation of aliens. It is believed that they still steal unborn babies, and then women inexplicably suddenly get rid of pregnancy or one of the twins that doctors already recorded using ultrasound. And it happens as happened in in this case: women without any pregnancy give birth easily healthy children. It would be interesting, by the way, to follow fate Charlotte Dubard’s child: what if he throws some more amusing surprises? ..

A photo from open sources

The boy named Elias is now already somewhat grown: it is developing, according to the assurances of doctors normally. Note that, according to statistics, more than 300 women in the world give birth annually at the last moment, not even knowing about your pregnancy. what this is and why it happens, science cannot yet explain, although and tries to do it, but somehow she’s not very convincing with her it turns out …

A photo from open sources

Great Britain

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