Says Vladimir Litovka, group coordinator “Romny – Cosmopoisk”: “The case that I investigated happened August 6, 2011 in with. Khustyanka, Buryn district, Sumy area. At the same time (on the same night), 60 km from here, in a. Beaver Romensky district, an unknown creature attempted to attack per person. The incident in Khustyanka surprised me more since a phenomenon during an attack, having very small dimensions and mass, showed remarkable ingenuity and huge (by human standards), non-animal power. Rumors about the activity of the so-called “chupacabra” are already then spread to all neighboring areas. Decided first go to a distant village in the neighboring area. According to my stories acquaintances were attacked by an unknown aggressor small farms. People here are not rich. Rabbits are grown for the sake of meat. Photos from open sources The village estate where I went was located on the outskirts of the village (extreme house). Nearby a pond, a shallow beam, and further around – agricultural land sown with corn. In the same days, in the same places alone an experienced hunter whom I’ve known for a long time said that at dusk, driving with his wife in a private car along the corn rows, he saw a small, strange-looking creature that jumped like a hare and paid no attention to them. Something too much coincidences, I thought. But back to the main events. At the local King Ivan, middle-aged man, there were nine rabbits. Of these, three were adults, the rest had two months from kind. Seven animals were in a fairly sturdy wooden cage, and two adult rabbits, Ivan Vasilyevich decided to keep in 2.5m deep brick pit for a silo with dimensions 1.5×1.5m. From above the pit, at the level of the soil, covered second-hand with slate sheets. And all because that a large village (former regional center) was already terrorizing some scary monster. In such a “reliable” construction, animals We lived only a day. Before that, the owner’s dog died near the yard, on the road, under the wheels of a car.
Photos from open sources And so, one of the August nights of 2011 the estate was attacked or attacked by unknown creatures. First the creature is busy with rabbits in the cage. Her doors were closing on carnations. But the monster, for some reason, easily tearing from the front side 3.5 cm thick board with 10 cm nails, pulled out all animals out. A year later, I began to collect evidence the reality of the phenomenon for the cryptozoological museum exposition Space Search. I went to the village on a torn board. She was already pinned back with the same 10cm nails. They brought me a small scrap and I’m about 5 minutes tore off this evidence. Now a board, with traces of teeth and claws, – an exhibit of the cryptozoological section of the museum.
Photos from open sources Three victims disappeared without a trace, and 3 more the corpse lay scattered around the yard. One rabbit for some reason was left alive. And even two days after the attack, he’s all was under stress. This rabbit still managed to live your short life. More Ivan Vasilievich does not grow rabbits. Having completed their vile affair in the center of the courtyard, the creature moved beyond its limits. She easily, in pitch darkness, discovered the underground shelter where two rabbits have not yet mastered. And then it appeared high intelligence phenomenon. Determining where the narrowest is located a slate sheet (40 cm) the creature shifts it along the wave structure, jumps down (2.5 m), kills two rabbits, bites off one the back foot and puts it at the head of the other. Now he has there is a problem how to get back through the gap with the middle only 19 cm wide. Having pushed off the floor, the creature jumps on brick wall and for 40 cm from the upper edge of the masonry leaves three curves of scratches from claws (like a nail) goes nowhere …
Photos from open sources But that’s not all. Slate lay obliquely. Therefore, the gap was oblique. Gap difference between opposite sides was only 2 cm. On the one hand -18 cm, and after one and a half meters – 20 cm. The reader, probably already guessed that claw marks were left on that side of the brick walls, where it was wider – 20 cm. And this distance was determined creature at night. In other yards, the phenomenon acted on the same pattern and with the same handwriting. Soon there was a lull. It still valid. How long will it be calm in these places, time will tell. A reasonable question arises, but what role in Is this “war” reserved for man? His participation in the mysterious and mysterious events now has many examples, but this is already other story…”
Time Space Search Monsters Chupacabra