Ukrainian ufologist: “Present on Earth unknown intelligence “

According to Ukrainian ufologists – scientists researching UFOs – aliens visited Ukraine 1198 times. Last time – March 17 this year. All such cases become known from the stories. eyewitnesses. And studying them, including a native of the Irshavshchyna Yaroslav Soot. Everything related to unidentified flying objects Alexander Kukol is talking with him in the newspaper Transcarpathian Truth (article published at the end of March 2013).

“UFOs may be a time machine or secret developments special services ”

– Yaroslav, how did your hobby begin? ufology? – Since 1989, when I first saw a UFO. To me was 12 years old. Winter, around nine in the morning. I went to school and saw in the sky a bright yellow object in the shape of an upside down crescent moon. He slowly sailed over the horizon. Vision continued 15-20 seconds. Since then, several times acted as an eyewitness unidentified flying objects, but the first meeting placed life priorities – forced to join the ranks of ufologists. Now I do not care what flies above our heads, about what other eyewitnesses say, since he himself was convinced – on Earth unknown intelligence present! Who is this extraterrestrial mind, or any other earthly culture, or unknown form of life? Actually, I have been looking for answers to these questions for many years. In 1993 graduated from school in non-traditional areas of science and technology “Basis” at “Soyuzufotsentr” specialty “ufology”. -You are one of the first in Ukraine to search for eyewitnesses of UFOs. how did it? – In fact, the collection and processing of ufological Information in Ukraine began back in the 1970s. The state was interested a matter of security, military – new technological opportunities, the public – are we alone in the universe? Baton collection and UFO eyewitness testimonies I supported in the late 1990s, heading the ufological club UFODOS. Mostly, data on UFOs in our archive came and comes from Our employees: scientists, research enthusiasts, journalists … But the main asset of the organization is the unidentified witnesses themselves flying objects. Personally, I searched a lot of like-minded people from different corners of the country, corresponded with them, shared information. All I fixed the facts. Now, by the way, in Ukraine there are dozens informal associations of ufologists and thousands of enthusiasts. But their nobody coordinates the work, there is no single central print authority, a single data archive. And in the media due to a lack of reliable information, the problem of anomalous phenomena itself, unfortunately, is often comes down to amateurism, quackery and superstition. – than is the UFODOS organization that you have created now engaged in? – We We continue to collect, store and process ufological information. Now it comes from all over Ukraine via telephone, electronic, printed and other lines of information collection. And this not some internal information, but a public, open project – UFOBUA. All available information is available online at: User-friendly interface of the site will help to find in the database any episode with UFOs over Ukraine, filter out a certain form UFO, monitor flight paths, study temporary revitalization, historical analogies, etc. Here, in fact, large space for statistical work! We are working on UFO identification mechanisms and their tracking almost in the mode real time. – Communicate with like-minded people from other countries? – Of course, we exchange information, experience, We discuss joint projects. The UFO phenomenon is international. They explain it in different ways, and yet many here and abroad considers UFOs as vehicles of alien civilizations. it one of the key hypotheses but incontrovertible evidence that this it is aliens that do not exist. UFOs might as well be time machine or secret developments of special services.

Favorite UFO regions – Kiev and Crimea

– Recently, there have been many cases when people confused ordinary flashlights or other modern salutes with UFOs. Like them to distinguish? – It is clear that an ordinary observer is not Aircraft Identification Expert. More Moreover, it is difficult even for the military, armed to control air space with special means and devices. That is why UFOs are often confused with certain astronomical or technological phenomena. I want to emphasize: about 70% of the information coming to the archive of our club, rejected at the initial stage of its consideration. Generally recognize as unfit more than 90% of the arrays, and only in some cases we can talk about those where there is a high probability “true UFOs.” As for the “Chinese lanterns”, then identifying them is very simple: they have a blinking color (from yellow to red), fly downwind, mostly several balls at the same time – on a weekend or holiday, the time of their “life” – no more than 30 minutes. – The first references to UFOs include to very old times … – There is a so-called hypothesis “paleocontact”, which seeks to answer the question: had place in the history of mankind or in its prehistory of “collision” representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations with the inhabitants of the Earth? Which they had an impact on the development of mankind and whether they were involved generally to the emergence of life on Earth? In favor of the hypothesis numerous traditions and written texts can serve as a paleocontact monuments of different nations, where in one form or another are mentioned “sons of heaven”, “sons of the sun”, “flying dragons”, “fiery chariots “and others. And they wrote about the appearance of UFOs over Russia and chroniclers. For example, in Nestor’s Tale of Bygone Years dated 1092: “A miraculous miracle appeared in Polotsk in obsession. At night there was a stomp, something moaned on the street, scoured demons are like humans. If anyone leaves the house, immediately invisibly injured he was a plague of demons and died of it. Then they began to be in the afternoon on horses, and they themselves were not visible, but horses’ hooves were visible … And there was a sign in the sky – as if a great circle in the middle of the sky. ” There are many examples: people described at that time what we today we call the UFO abbreviation – unidentified flying object. – Which regions of Ukraine are the most popular for UFOs? – According to the statistics of the ufological map Ukraine is dominated by north and south – Kiev and Crimea, respectively. Maybe, this is due to population density, with certain geographical features. In addition, UFOs were often recorded in Kharkov region, Donetsk region, Odessa region, in Dnepropetrovsk, over Transcarpathia. In our UFO region seen over Uzhgorod Uzhgorod, Tyachevsky, Mukachevsky, Khust and Irshava districts.

In Transcarpathia, there are people who have been in contact with UFOs

– You can recall interesting cases of the appearance of UFOs, that happened in Transcarpathia – In June 1984 in Uzhgorod, suddenly one of the three flying UFOs flashed and fell on the territory of the Bozdovsky park. Director of the park witnessed this. and the watchman who picked up the wreckage and carried them for examination to space research laboratory of Uzhgorod National University. In the absence of equipment and research methods strange things they were transferred to the astronomical council of the Academy of Sciences USSR. However, there was no idea what kind of material, so they were forced to transfer the debris to another an organization that also could not explain their origin. Finally, the astronomers in Uzhgorod politely thanked for the find and at the same time reported that data on similar phenomena, as in Europe and Asia, they have a lot. An interesting case has occurred. and November 17, 1989. Then Rakhovsky firefighters were informed about fires on the farm of the village of Bogdan. However, when they arrived at place, it turned out: this is not a fire, but a strange heavenly fire, similar to the scarlet cloud that flew at high speed. After some the inhabitants of Khustsky, Irshavsky, Mukachevsky saw it, Uzhgorod district and the regional center. And in March 1991, a resident village of Bilki, Irshava district, said that he saw bright in the sky ball, he allegedly landed, then a man heard some incomprehensible speech. After a few minutes, the object began to rise, until it completely disappeared from sight. And there were many such cases. – Do you know people who had contacts with aliens? – Yes, and there are many such people in Ukraine. I remember in 1989, a person from the Kirovograd region had fifth-type contact. Today, this grandfather turned 70, but his case is still no one can explain. In Transcarpathia, for example, in 1991 a resident of Mukachevo, seeing a UFO in the sky, found on her body strange images in the form of leaves of a tree. She later showed up clairvoyant abilities. And in 1994, Uzhgorod already claimed that met with creatures of extraterrestrial origin. -How serious is ufology in Ukraine today? -Ufology in Ukraine, as in most countries of the world, refers to quasi-scientific (it is a synonym for “paranauc”) – primarily because of the lack of conclusive evidence of the existence of phenomena, which is studying. An organization uniting Ukrainian ufologists, is non-governmental, we do not get state support, as in some European countries, and all the work of scientists and lovers rest on their enthusiasm. P.S. Yaroslav Sochka (on photo on the left) was born in 1977 in the Irshavshchyna. In 1998 he founded Ufological club UFODOS, author of “Ufological dictionary-reference “(1998 – 2004), books” UFO over Kiev “(2011), “UFO. Ukrainian Epic” (2011), numerous publications on ufological subjects. Since 2011, together with the state institution “Vizha-3000” promotes the creation of a focal point for relations with extraterrestrial civilizations.

A photo from open sources

In April 2011, Yaroslav Sochka by decision of the international Council “Vizha-3000” for a significant contribution to the development of ufology, great scientific work on the study of the “UFO phenomenon” and abnormal phenomena awarded the international badge.

Time Life Crimea Time Machine Ukraine

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