Photos from open sources of
The genocide of the Jews is nothing compared to the genocide of the Indians Of America
It is surprising that the whole enlightened world is bashfully keeping silent about this, like the extermination of American Indians by national sign and was not in sight. And the Indians of North America less destroyed five hundred long years, and practically cut out all.
It is enough to cite such terrible figures: out of a hundred and fourteen million indigenous population living in the territory present Canada and the USA, nearly a hundred million are exterminated. Wherein Indians were not even considered as people, but all kinds of conquerors the prairies and criminals who slaughtered the indigenous people of America, still ranked among national heroes.
Hitler killing Jews compared to a similar scale genocide may seem like just a kitten. Yes, and he studied everything this, including the creation of his terrible concentration camps, his older brother – Uncle Sam. Yes, there was someone to learn from …
A photo from open sources
Historical lie
However, monuments, peace have been erected to the Holocaust and apartheid shudder from the atrocities of those years. But American genocide against Indians of North America, which was much larger, fiercer and inhuman, it remains in the minds (and not only Americans, but also of all mankind) people as something by itself for granted.
Notice that in school books america, before coming here European colonialists, regarded as some kind of desert, on which lived small Indian tribes, wild and creepy warlike. And the fact that these “wild peoples” possessed the highest civilization (one Mayan civilization that costs!) that the city of Mexico City, for example, there was more than any European city of the time that Indians have reached the highest culture in almost everything, this for some reason is silent. On the contrary, a clear lie is presented that Europeans brought culture here and gave impetus to development civilization on this continent.
Moreover, unlike Germany, which recognized the genocide against the Jews, neither the US nor Canada are willing to admit that the destruction of hundreds million Indians – this is the genocide of pure water, and the most scary in the history of mankind. After all, after the Indians were driven away from their native land and practically exterminated by various scum, the survivors of them were driven into the reservation, and then Christianized forcibly. At the same time belonged to the Indians approximately the same as for animals. But how else, if even Glasgow University Doctor, Lecturer at Harvard College, Salem Witch researcher, writer and publicist Cotton Mater considered the Indians children of Satan and practically called for the killing of these savages standing in the way of the spread of Christianity in the world.
Cultural and Pious Enlightenment
What can I say about those who directly killed the indigenous people of america. For example, Colonel John Shevinton, shooting from guns in 1864 another village of the Indians, cynically remarked that their children need to be destroyed without any pity, both from nits louse grows, and God himself endowed the soldier to do this holy thing a business.
A photo from open sources
Well, since God himself, it’s not surprising that even the officers cut off Indians scrotum, chest and made pouches out of them, so that then boast of such “trophies”, say, at the Denver Opera House. Cultural and pious enlightenment, you will not say anything!
And today, when the US declares its duty to enlighten yet some “wild” and non-democratic people mired in totalitarianism and lack of spirituality, involuntarily shudder at their cynicism. But you tremble even more when they begin to exercise their “humane” plans, for example, in Iraq, Libya …
And again the blood of millions of people is pouring, and again all the civilized world pretends to be that way: Uncle Sam knows what to do and is never wrong …
USA Maya Civilization