Underground tanks

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There is no need to tell anyone about submarines. But about the fact that, along with underwater, underground projects were developed Fighting vehicles, few know. As conceived by the inventors underground the tank burrowed into the ground as a mole dug an underground tunnel and went out onto surface behind enemy lines in the most unexpected place.

Underground war in ancient times

Even in ancient times, during the siege of fortresses were used undermining. Tunnels broke through the city walls with the goal of collapses, and sometimes underground passages broke through to the center cities. The reception is effective, albeit a long one. But in those days of the siege lasted 7-10 years, so the time of the ancient heroes was abound. Alexander of Macedon thus in 322 BC took Gaza, Sulla in 86 BC Athens, Pompey in 72 BC Palencia.

With the invention of gunpowder, tactics have changed a bit. In the digged under the fortress wall of the gallery was laid with an immeasurable charge of gunpowder, detonated and soldiers rushed into the gap, destroying everyone who was still alive after a terrible explosion. Exactly was taken by Ivan the Terrible after a long siege of Kazan.

First underground world

The First World War was marked by a transition to a siege war. Enemy lines of fortifications became impregnable. Some rows of barbed wire delayed the advancing machine guns mowed them down by hundreds. Ground offensives ended in huge losses and almost never led to a breakthrough in defense the enemy.

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A return to the traditions of underground warfare in such a situation It was quite natural. In 1916, the British organized 33 tunnel companies numbering 25 thousand people. Digging like under the method of breaking the enemy’s defense line was also used in Russian army, and in German.

Listening services equipped with troops appeared in the troops hearing experts to identify the enemy’s underground attacks. IN in case of detection of enemy underground operations counter gallery to capture and blow up an enemy tunnel. Under serious fights were played out by the earth: tons of dynamite were torn, the soldiers converged in melee.

The appearance of the tank gave the idea of ​​creating the same underground cars.

Underground von Vern

In 1933, engineer von Verne was patented in Germany by underground passage. The machine was supposed to be used for mining minerals, exploration, digging tunnels under urban communications, etc. But the first to pay attention to it Of course the military. Having no funds for the project, the Germans kept it secret and archived so that France and England would not ahead of them.

In 1940, Wern met with Klaus von Stauffenberg ( the very thing that in 1944 he planted a bomb under the already irrevocable Fuhrer), showed him his project, and he acquainted him with the manual Wehrmacht. German generals planning in the near future landing in Britain (operation “Sea Lion”) the idea of ​​attacking England from the ground like Werner were given considerable funds. By Verna tank project with a crew of 5 people, moving at a speed 7km / h carried 3400kg warhead.

However, Goering, caring about his beloved Luftwaffe, managed to convince Hitler that instead of dozens of underground tanks it is better to build the same the number of bombers, and the von Wern project was closed, not even going beyond laboratory experiments.

Nazi “Midgard Serpent”

More fortunate was the fate of the project engineer Ritten. Whatever from Verne in 1934 he developed his own version of the underground, calling his “Midgard Serpent”, planning a car primarily for the assault French Maginot Line. Ritten’s project was striking in scope. The “Serpent” was a whole train at 500m from compartments measuring 7m in length, 6m wide and 3.5m high with a bedroom for 30 people, three repair shops, a radio station, a kitchen and a rescue boat to exit to the surface.

Photo from open sources

Pulled the composition at a speed of 3 to 10 km / h (depending on nature of the soil) head carriage with 4 drilling rigs and 9 driving them with electric motors. 14 more engines fed the chassis. Plus 4 electric generators and a fuel tank for 960 cubic meters Armament – one thousand 250 kg min, one thousand 10 kg min, underground torpedo “Fafnir” 6m long. and 12 coaxial machine guns.

The Germans planned to build 20 such underground cruisers, but all rested money. The manufacture of one “Snake” required 30 million. Reichsmark. It is believed that the project remained on paper. However former SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Walter Schulke claimed that traction the installation was built and tested in 1944 under Koenigsberg. The tests failed, the “Serpent” exploded and remained underground with 11 crew members.

Made in england

Similar research work was carried out in England. In the late 30s, W. Churchill gave a personal instruction proceed with the development of underground tanks. Planned by 1940 release 200 cars. In secret documents, cars went like Excavators and Cultivators. British underground train consisted of 2 sections, moving at a speed of 8 km / h; total length 23.5m width 2m, height 2.5m. By 1943, 5 cars were built, the latter survived until the early 1950s.

Made in USSR �

Enthusiasts developing their underground projects in Russia was plenty. Engineer Peter Rasskazov created his project back in 1904 year. In the 30s, an engineer worked in this direction Treblev.

In 1945, they returned to the idea. Allegedly, the impetus became the remains of the Midgard Serpent found near Koenigsberg. Raised from Archive Treblev’s drawings. In 1946, a single-seat car was built. passed tests in the Urals. At a speed of 10m / h she passed through Mount Grace. However, the design did not show itself enough reliable, and the project was closed.

Work resumed under Khrushchev. As conceived threatening to show Americans “Kuz’kin mother” Secretary General crawl to the USA, lay and detonate nuclear charges under strategic objects, causing major earthquakes.

In 1964, the tests built in the Urals took place there. “Battle mole.” Underground 35m long with a crew of 5 people carried 15 paratroopers and 1 ton of explosives, speed – 7km / h. During the second test, the car exploded, the crew died. Work stalled, and replacing Khrushchev Brezhnev completely stopped them.

Does the underground have a future?

Photo from open sources

Whether the development of such machines is currently underway is a mystery, covered in darkness. Theoretically, this is quite possible. In my time Academician Sakharov (yes, that one) and Professor Pokrovsky searched methods to increase the speed of the underground movement of the underground. Them it is proved that in a cloud of incandescent particles the machine can move underground at a speed of tens or even hundreds of km / h. So the project “Battle mole” early to lay under the cloth.

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War Time Snakes Russia

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