Photos from open sources We are used to believing that only fraud and deception can human. When you are stuck in traffic, and you are overtaken on a dusty roadside another car, or when a dubious-looking businessman tries cram expensive garbage into you, you think about it especially strong. Nevertheless, even the simplest organisms are capable of deception. This was found out by American scientists.
Specialists from the US carefully studied the behavior of the slimes from genus Dictyostelium discoideum. Most of the time, these creatures single-celled amoeba lead life, however, during breeding, data microorganisms are combined into a complex structure in order to the formation of a multicellular fetal body. The fruit body has stem and head, rising a couple of millimeters above the ground and throwing spores.
The roles of amoebas during this process are divided. One part protozoa is called to become a stalk and perish, the rest of them kinsmen form the head and spread spores, remaining in ended up alive. The separation process is completely random. Researchers were extremely surprised when they noticed that some slime men refuse to sacrifice themselves to continue kind and each time become part of the head.
Such a discovery can be called astounding, since to assume that simple organisms behave as one and not have personality. And some of these slimes, it turns out, able to survive fraudulently by sacrificing in their place tribesmen. American researchers believe that they, perhaps it was possible to identify an important evolutionary process – cunning and cheating as a way of survival.