Unicorn – it is more wonderful than all miracles!

Even Julius Caesar, describing his conquest of Gaul, reported on strange creatures “living in the wilds of the Garzian forest in Germany and similar to a bull with a body of a deer, in the middle of the forehead which, between the ears, one horn grows, longer and straighter than any of still famous. ” The unicorn is more wonderful than all miracles!Photos from open sources A to Caesar their impressions of the mysterious unicorn was brought by Ctesius of Knidus in 41 B.C. e. of Persia, where he stayed for a long time at the court of Darius II. Strictly saying these were not his own memories, but stories Indian merchants and travelers, but the author swears that they can trust. Here is what Ctesias can read about a creature of size with the horse that he, and many others independently, calls Indian wild donkey: “He has a white body, brown head and blue eyes. On his head is a horn about the elbow length. The powder obtained from this horn is used as a means against deadly potions … These animals are extremely fast and strong, so no creature, be it a horse or anyone else, is deal with them. “Except for some details, then Ctesias describes the unicorn exactly as it appears on European tapestries of the good two millennia later. And Herodotus, and Aristotle – the great learned minds of antiquity – also mention unicorn wild donkey, in which faith was usual in the East phenomenon. WHO IS BUCEFAL According to legend, Alexander Great met the unicorn for the first time when he was about thirteen years old. A unicorn named Bucephalus (literally, although not too poetic, Bykogolov) led to his father – the king of Macedonia To Philip. And he was sold by a certain Thessalon named Filonik. For each an attempt to saddle him, he kicked with such fury that soon everything the best riders left this hopeless pursuit. IN Alexander dared to enter the contest. His royal father first didn’t pay any attention to this impulse, but the boy insisted and finally, the king said somewhat irritatedly: “What are you? Consider more skillful than these adult warriors? “What future the commander said that he could cope with the beast better than himself agile and strong warrior. Father got nervous: “And if you don’t will come out, what do you agree to pay for your ardor? “The son replied, that he will pay the price of Bucephalus. Philip agreed by promising to in case of victory give him a unicorn. Bravery or insanity? Hearing about such a bet, everyone gathered began to laugh and argue among themselves: “What is it? Wonderful courage or simple madness?” Alexander was short, even for his age, and next to he looked like a big unicorn and did a child. But he was observant and noticed in previous attempts several erroneous techniques: everyone approached Bucephalus as a horse whose will is necessary break. Alexander felt that the unicorn would take the horseman, if he himself so desires. In addition, before riding an animal, a cloak was thrown over his head, which probably frightened him. What did Alexander do? He showed the animal that he did not intend act the same way. Untying the ribbons of his cloak and dropping it on the ground, he made clear to Bucephalus that there was no weapons, whips or ropes. Then he applied another trick: he noticed that Bucephalus was clearly annoyed by the long shadows cast people standing around him. And now, grabbing the bridle, he let go of the grooms holding the animal and turned so that the low the sun began to hit Bucephalus directly in the eye. Left defenseless bowed to his waist and said: “Greetings, noble animal. I came with friendship, so let me now only once ride on your back, and then you can choose freedom. ” The unicorn stepped closer and bowed his head so that his shining horn almost touched the boy’s chest opposite the heart. I ran through the crowd murmur An eternity seemed to pass, and suddenly Bucephalus dropped its point his horn to the ground and, trembling, “suggested” the young man jump on him. They say that Philip cried with joy and pride for his son, and when he dismounted, kissed him and exclaimed: “Oh my son, seek a kingdom equal to you and worthy of you, for Macedonia is too small to accommodate you. “Bucephalus accompanied Alexander almost to the end of his days and wore it in all the major battles of conquest Egypt and the Persian Empire. It seems like something of a character the unicorn entered the flesh and blood of Alexander. The young hero became famous for its justice, restraint and mercy to surrendered enemies. As usual, Alexander rode a unicorn only in battles, on a campaign Bucephalus was transported in a convenient cage. Legend and history agree that Bucephalus died in the latter major battle of Alexander against the Indian king Pore on the shore Gidaspa, one of the five mighty branches of the Indus River. His departure was a bad omen: Alexander’s luck turned away from him, the sun of his glory has set. And although Alexander with great difficulty, but still won the battle against Pore, it was his last big victory. CREDENTIAL INFORMATION Unicorn’s special interest is always caused among the peoples of Germany. Graceful images in the Middle Ages of these animals, which they called the Einhorn (Einhorn), flooded the local churches and palaces. Harz mountain range Since ancient times, central Germany was considered their habitat. To this a day near Scharzfeld there is a cave called Einhornhole. Once upon a time Once upon a time near this place lived one wise old female. People from all over the Harz district flocked to her for help. She wondered to whom, whom she helped to heal ailment, whom she gave. miraculous amulets. This annoyed the locals churchmen, so they declared her a witch. By convincing the king of the francs, to which these possessions obeyed, in their rightness, they succeeded achieve the persecution of this woman. Royal guards and monk climbed the mountain when a woman left her cave and looked on them with such contempt that they were momentarily confused. But then they said one to another: “This is just an old woman that can shall we do it? “Only these words sounded, like from a forest a unicorn with a horn shining in the forest twilight came out to meet them. is he quickly climbed the slope to a wise woman and bowed before her knees. The old woman climbed onto his back and disappeared. The chase began. But the soldiers soon fell behind, cursing the weight of their armor. But the monk still managed to catch up with her. And only he prepared her grab as she made some sign in the air and the monk fell through the ground. The soldiers arrived in time only there a deep hole, at the bottom of which lay the unfortunate crashed to death clergyman. There they buried him, and they called the cave the name that she bears today. MATERIAL EVIDENCE After several centuries, in 1663, was a large skeleton of a unicorn was discovered, which caused a real stir. The skeleton was found among a pile of other fossils in the limestone a cave near Quedlinburg, in the north of the Harz Mountains. Stormy followed litigation, and the abbess was recognized as the owner local monastery. And even despite her fierce supervision in excavation time, the skeleton was still damaged and removed on sad surface representing a pile of broken bones. The “scientific” study was conducted by the famous at that time. natural scientist Otto Guericke. In the drawings he made, the skeleton of the found animal looked rather pathetic: on it half of the spine and the entire back were missing. But the main – the skull was preserved, miraculously preserved intact and safety, and on it – a tight-fitting, straight, conical horn more than two meters long. A century later, another skeleton found in Einhornhol. Both finds were studied by a philosopher, mathematician and naturalist Leibniz. After which he strongly stated that these bones forced him, discarding the former doubt aside, once and for all believe in a unicorn. In December 1991, in an interview with the magazine Di Ganze Voch, the famous Austrian Zoologist Antal Festetics, Professor at the University of Gottingen, made a stunning statement. He was making a documentary about the nature of the Harz mountain range and once, riding astride a video camera in the Einhornhol area, suddenly saw how to meet him gallop unicorn: “From him came a glow. My horse backed away and almost threw me off. Then, with the same speed, as it appeared, it disappeared. “This statement was repeated in April. 1992 in a television interview where the scientist claimed to have managed film this meeting on video. Skeptics were invited to watch recording in Gottingen, as in the television program it is shown was not. The question of how serious this statement was, remains open. Whatever the truth is hard these days imagine a place more likely to meet a unicorn than these lands are one of the last corners of the real wild in Europe nature, a piece of dense enchanted forest – the last refuge a creature like a unicorn unable to bear the near neighborhood with man. MIRACLE ALIKORN Horn unicorn, or alicorn – the reason not only for its glory, but also for its fall. The best way to protect yourself from poison is to drink from an alicorn vessel, and their magnificent specimens have survived to the present day. It was believed that such vessels not only protect against poisons, but also contribute to happy, healthy, long life of their owners. For lack of a bowl a slice or chip of a horn could act no worse, and many rich wore such jewelry around his neck on gold and silver chains. For identifying poisons in food, those who could afford it, used knives with alikor-new handles. Whole horns were still a rarity and amounted to great value. One a horn could cost as much as a whole city. So, in 1550, the Pope paid 17 thousand ducats for the most beautiful ever seen Ali Kornov, who, skillfully setting in gold and silver, presented as a gift to the French king. And in 1,584, the Russian Tsar Fedor Ioannovich during the coronation held the rod in which he was Alikorn built in meter length, bought from Habsburg merchants for 7 thousand rubles in silver. But the most famous among all was the horn, owned by Queen Elizabeth I. In the list of British treasures crowns he is listed as the Windsor Horn and was estimated at 10 thousand. pounds sterling (about 10 million at current prices). After Elizabeth King James I paid £ 10,000 for another horn that turned out to be fake. As soon as it turned out, for Jacob, this horn instantly lost almost all of its value, but in 1 994 fake unicorn horn was sold by auction house Christie’s in London for nearly half a million pounds. His recognized as a 12th-century fake, but he seemed to have absorbed everything these centuries something from unicorn magic and radiated something like that … Here as David Exerdian described his first impression of him, Christie Sculpture Manager: “He was wrapped in the newspaper inside the cardboard tube, but as soon as I picked it up, I felt that I was in the presence of something great and out of the series out. Something was in its very severity, as well as in the unconditional beauty of its relief. It contained almost physically tangible energy, as if something ran through all the veins. “Or maybe Wasn’t that a fake? source: Miracles and secrets of the planet Land

Time Germany Caves Sun

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