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In some Chinese provinces, live bamboo trunks used to make very popular with tourists alcoholic drink.
Using high pressure injection method, manufacturers fill areas of bamboo trunks with rice wine or rice vodka. The “ripening” of liquor lasts from several months to one and a half years, during this time in it naturally bamboo juice is added. As a result, the drink acquires a clean, pleasant aroma and detoxifying properties. Alcohol content in it decreases, since part of it absorbs the plant, moreover the drink due to the bamboo juice increases in volume.
A photo from open sources
The process of “getting” a ready-made liquor is interesting. Customers often invited to see how different sections of bamboo trunks, determining where the valuable mixture is contained, and then drill a small hole so that it can spill out into a glass container. Liquor is ready to drink locally, but if someone wants to get it to make an impressive gift, he can choose a bamboo knee in the form of a kind of wooden bottle (see video below).
This liquor ripening method was originally developed in Fujian province, and then adopted by the villagers and liquor manufacturers in other Chinese provinces, such as Guangxi and Sichuan. Bamboo Liquor Production limited to several tens of thousands of liters per year, but, as demand for it continues to grow, enterprises are gradually “increase capacity.”
A photo from open sources
As competition grows, manufacturers are trying to optimize the production process in particular is looking for more efficient and convenient methods of wine injection. In doing so, they need adhere to certain rules. Injection Amount alcohol and its strength are very important, because the excessive volume and a fortress can kill a plant, and a weak alcoholic drink has a tendency to deteriorate, although not soon. Still best in rice wine and rice served as a “filler” vodka.
Bambooze is priced at around 500 yuan ($ 72) for bamboo “bottle”, but many are willing to pay more – as for a unique the uniqueness of the drink, and for its intended benefit for health.