A photo from open sources
A unique natural phenomenon: a mesmerizing tidal look wave on the chinese qiantang river. Millions of cubic meters of sea water during high tide they move against the river, around small islets. And although similar tides occur on others rivers, here it is the fastest – reaches a speed of 40 kilometers in hour, and the highest – the wave rises 8-9 meters. This phenomenon can be observed every time during a high tide. But in some months when the earth, moon and sun line up in one the line and the general attraction of two bodies becomes quite powerful, – the wave is especially strong. This year the peak of the tidal wave fell at the beginning of October.
Well, the main reason for this flow is that the width the gulf where the river flows into is about 100 kilometers, and the mouth narrows to 3 kilometers, resulting in huge water Arrays, falling into a narrow channel, form a tidal wave. Yet Underwater shallows give this tide a more charming look. They are divide the stream in two, as a result of which it crosses and forms an X-shaped wave. Look at the unique natural The phenomenon gathered hundreds of thousands of people. And the local media armed themselves boats and helicopters. Especially spectacular is the moment when the wave hits the shore. However, to observe such a phenomenon is not always safe. Periodically, the wave causes death people.