Unknown creature terrorizes Perm edge. Mysterious Chupacabra?

A photo from open sources

A mysterious animal kills livestock at night, and locals talk about the appearance of “chupacabra” Yusvinsky district of Perm region live in fear of the mysterious a forest animal that attacks livestock at night and kills his. According to the villagers, only in the past two weeks victims An unknown creature became several tens of rabbits. Municipal authorities recommended that residents refrain from evening and night walks and, if possible, staying home in the dark days. Since the beginning of April, the beast whom the residents of the village Yusva called “chupacabra”, began to attack and larger cattle – pigs and goats. The police and hunters joined the search for the creature, however while it can’t be found, the Parma-Novosti portal reports. Meanwhile, locals are really panicking. “They say that this is chupacabra. He drank blood from animals. Everything breaks, animals kills. Authorities say it’s a lynx, but people don’t believe, “- said one of the local residents. The police call this version fiction. “We are adults. About some mutants, chupacabra and there’s no question, “said the head of the Yusvinsky police Alexander Vlasov. Meanwhile, “chupacabra” is already interested State Inspection for the Protection and Use of Facilities fauna of the Perm region. “Yes, we are aware of what is happening. Our employees seized the wool of this beast from the places of its attacks. Now she sent for examination. The possibility that in Yusva an animal unknown to science has appeared, it is impossible to deny to the end. Us they themselves are very interested in who makes these attacks, “- quotes him “Russian newspaper”. Arkady Azayev

Chupacabra Time

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