Unknown virus detected at 80 percent american pig farms

Acute Infectious Swine Diarrhea Epidemic spread already throughout the United States, and that leads to the loss of 50-100% of piglets. The solution to this problem should be be number one priority, says veterinarian Derek Armstrong. This the disease was already in 1971, but in a milder form. Strain which is acting much more deadly now. Current outbreak in the US has already been identified in 13 states and affects up to 100% piglets. The virus in the United States is similar to 99.4% of the virus that was detected in China in 2010 and killed more than a million piglets.

An unknown virus is detected on 80 percent of American pig farms.A photo from open sources

Fatal Strain Epidemic Swine Diarrhea virus, a threat to USA pig breeding. Photo: theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com

Epidemic of Swine Diarrhea virus manifests itself in the form of acute outbreaks severe diarrhea, vomiting. High incidence (often 100%) and variable mortality (in some reports 100 percent in young pigs).

• The incubation period is short (two to four days) and natural immunity develops within two to three weeks. •The epidemic of swine diarrhea manifests itself in the form of watery diarrhea, vomiting regurgitation and anorexia. • The disease is the most severe for newborn pigs, as they are more susceptible to dehydration of the body. Diagnosis is based on laboratory tests. • Supportive care to prevent dehydration – provide easy access to quality drinking water in a clean, dry, warm and do not create drafts environment. •The virus spreads through the fecal-oral route. Swine epidemic Diarrhea virus is a viral disease caused by coronavirus.

Mexican Confederation of Pig Breeders Applied Ministry of Agriculture Sanitary Services (Sagarpa) with an urgent request to take measures due to the fact that 80% neighboring US pig farms reported the presence of an unknown virus, which poses a danger to the pig industry in Mexico.

As the Latin American edition of Hornada notes, the president Jose Inclan Association said health services should take the necessary measures, up to closing the borders, and, other steps may be taken to prevent the country from appearing the virus that causes diarrhea in pigs. Repeat again: association president admits that may have to close borders.

The statement also said that pigs in 11 US states pigs suffer from diarrhea, which affects the entire herd. Especially difficult situation in Iowa and Minnesota. Mexicans want to know about what type of virus is it, what is its biological cycle, what how it manifests itself, what security measures should be undertake. But what is known exactly. The virus infects the digestive system of piglets and causes intense diarrhea, from which massively killed pigs under the age of three weeks. However animals of different ages suffer from the disease.

On May 28, the Canadian Animal Inspection Agency reported that the speech talking about the swine epidemic of diarrhea – DEP, first discovered in Great Britain in 1971. Since then it has been celebrated in Europe and Of Asia. If so, then, apparently, this type of epidemic for the first time recorded in North America.

Viruses Mexico USA Epidemics

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