Unsolved secrets of a distant continent

Unsolved secrets of a distant continentPhotos from open sources of

The ancient world of Australia is unique and full of amazing secrets, many of which modern science cannot explain. Here are the two most interesting puzzles.

The first secret: smart lights Min-Min

It’s about wandering lights. These plasmoid objects, or orbs, accompany night travelers in southwest Queensland, literally following on the heels and often breaking big distance. They have been known to locals for about a hundred years. One of the first meetings took place in 1918 when the local shepherd saw a ball of fire flying behind him.

A photo from open sources

It is curious that this phenomenon got its name because once there was a public house “Min-Min” (in the western it is called “politically correct” by the hotel). “Min-Min” was located at the intersection of two major railway stations – Lucknow and Warenda. Now only dusty remind him ruins, mountains of empty bottles and a dilapidated cemetery, on which in particular the victims of many bloody crimes.

Strange luminous balls immediately overgrown with legends and speculation. Someone considered them a kind of “living” UFO, someone – souls the dead who failed to leave the world of the living and now similar have fun. There is also an opinion that these are peculiar ball lightning.

If we talk about scientific versions trying to explain the phenomenon Min-Min, then they all look untenable. For example, if it is a mirage, then why does he behave like a living being – manifests curiosity and “how attached” flies for people and cars? If Min-Min are ball lightning, why no one from them Suffered? And it is unlikely that tectonic faults lie clearly under roads along which balls accompany night travelers. And if still take into account that wandering lights can change their color …

It is noteworthy that there are references to such phenomena in local myths, and therefore the version of Jack Pettigrew about the reflected headlights, very popular at the time, not too convincing. In a word, The Min-Min mystery remains unresolved to this day …

Second secret: the fantastic death of the shark Alpha

And here is the case that occurred in 2003. Using satellite Systems scientists have observed the life of great white sharks. Special interest was the largest – a three-meter female, which gave the nickname Alpha (alpha shark).

The female was observed for four months – until the time she was in one moment did not disappear, being eaten by someone much larger. Scientists lost sight of Alpha for just a few minutes when she was at a depth of 580 meters. Instruments showed suddenly that the temperature of the shark’s body rose sharply by almost thirty degrees, – and scientists guessed that she was already dead. Alpha became a victim creatures much larger than herself. A rise temperature was explained by the fact that the shark’s body immediately underwent digestion process.

A photo from open sources

The online community and the smithsonian channel swept the most real madness. Everyone began to look for a sea monster. how biologists say sharks sometimes become prey to whales. But whales are not can swallow such a “dish” whole. Who is able to do this is? On blogs and forums appeared versions of Godzilla and the Kraken. Someone suggested that Alpha was eaten rising from the depths prehistoric twenty-meter megalodon. And how do you like it version put forward by one of the users about entrepreneurial the Japanese who created such a submarine on which sharks for turn minutes into canned food? As the indigenous people say Australians, a spark of truth gives rise to a clash of ideas.

Yes, we still know too little about our planet. Quite possibly, that any fundamental scientific theory will be deep tomorrow erroneous and pseudoscientific. For example, UFOs fly with might and main over the Earth, and official scientists unanimously ignore this fact …

Sharks Time

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