Unusual creature of Mount St. Helens – Skookum

Unusual creature of Mount St. Helens - SkookumPhoto from open sources

The word “boredom” in translation from the now dead Chinook dialect (the jargon in which local Redskins and white aliens spoke on Northwest Pacific Coast) means “powerful”, “strong”, “courageous”. He has, however, other meanings, in particular “evil spirit” and “monstrous.”

Skokum Paul Kane

This word was first mentioned (1859) in the book of Paul Kane – artist and writer who had previously traveled around Route Vancouver – Oregon – Vancouver. Kane was unusual a creative person, and paintings painted by him during his time amazing wanderings are now a real historical value.

Paul Kane painted landscapes, but more often – Indians, indigenous people of these lands. In March 1847 he is accompanied by a group of aborigines got to the surroundings of Mount St. Helens (Washington) and wanted get closer to her, but the Indians began furiously dissuading artist.

Here’s what he writes about it: I stopped to paint a volcano St. Helens, which was 30-40 miles from us. This mountain is not neither whites nor indians rise. According to the latter, there creatures of a completely different race inhabit – cannibals holding in fear all the surrounding population …

Kane further writes that this tradition did not arise from scratch: once upon a time two Indians went to St. Helens, and back only one returned. The second was killed and eaten by terrible boredom, and even left no bones.

The Chinook Indians blamed the boredom for all their misfortunes, believing that it is these bloodthirsty creatures that cause them. By asking Aboriginal people, Kane learned that “evil spirit” (as the writer translated it name), although it lives on St. Helens, it can easily go down from mountains and walk on the flat terrain nearby.

All of this intrigued Kane so much that he asked one of Indians to be his escort to the mountain (of course, for good reward). True, from this venture nothing was happened.

Skokum in Oregon State Beliefs

Oregon residents, that is, Chinook neighbors, are also aware of these creatures that they consider evil spirits and at the same time something like demons. Demons can turn into animals and even move into people.

Cryptozoologists believe that this is most likely about famous snowman since some Native American legends describe boredom as an ape-like creature at the same time very similar in mind to a person.

A photo from open sources

However, yeti, as you know, try not to attack people, and moreover, they never eat them. However, perhaps we simply don’t We know about such cases due to the lack of reliable data.

Skokum, which is not taken by bullets

… In 1924, it is believed that it was boredom that the miners saw, conducting reconnaissance near Mount St. Helens. Men worked when one of them noticed a huge biped on a rock monster. One of the workers shot a monster three times – and he flew into the abyss, for some reason it was not possible to find his body. However, at night several similar creatures appeared at the miner’s camps and began to stone him. People grabbed for guns, but their numerous shots did not reach the goal: in the morning around the crushed camp there were many huge tracks – but only.

In the 90s of the last century, he studied snowman Henry Franzoni became interested in boredom and found that in Washington has dozens of place names where this word. These are usually the names of trails, small gorges, mountain streams etc. It is logical to assume that in these places people saw a fierce and ruthless “evil spirit” – boredom. But who is he, where is he from? is why, like the legendary bigfoot, elusive and even invulnerable to bullets, it remains a mystery …

Yeti Artists

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