Unusual “flower-skeleton” becoming transparent during rain, growing on Sakhalin

UnusualA photo from open sources

Gray bifolia growing on Russian Sakhalin and in northern parts of Japan, it is difficult to call the most beautiful flower in the world, and many pass by it, ignoring the whites rounded petals. However, this plant has one unusual and very interesting property. His petals become like glass, that is, almost transparent in the rain or just after getting water on them. In common people, the Japanese often Gray’s Double Leaf is called a “flower-skeleton.”

A photo from open sources

The secret is that the petals of the plant are devoid of white pigment. The cell structure of the petals is loose, and due to the presence in it of a large number of slots and filled by the air of spaces, flowers appear white in the sun because of light reflections in their pores. However, if water enters the pores, light transmission increases significantly, and the flowers acquire transparent view. However, it is worth the water evaporate, and the flower again turns white.

Gray bifolia growing in forests on the slopes of mountains and blooming from mid spring to early summer, is the object of one ancient japanese legend. It is believed that once in the Country the rising sun lived a young couple in love. The man died and his beloved, unable to bear grief, turned into a flower. AND every time it rained, it’s a heavenly stream of tears, a flower remembered his former life and became transparent, and veins on its petals resembled a material girl’s shell, once lost due to unbearable grief after losing a loved one …

Water Time Plants Sun Japan

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