Unusual grave with a window

Unusual grave with a windowPhotos from open sources

In the American city of New Haven Vermont can be found a small quiet cemetery “Evergreen”, which is translated into Russian means evergreen. There, in turn, it is worth visiting one a curious grave that appeared here in 1893. On a small an impressive granite slab with a real grassy hill glass window with an area of ​​not more than 90 square centimeters, looking straight into the sky.

A photo from open sources

If you look into this window today, you will see only drops condensed water on its inside however 124 years back through the glass which was not yet clouded then it was possible to contemplate the face of the late Timothy Clark Smith, who was a physician during his lifetime, diplomat and forced traveler. Smith suffered one common at that time phobia, which became the cause of here is such an outlandish grave.

The reason for the appearance of an unusual grave

In 1855, Smith graduated from City University of New York and He entered the service of the Russian army as a military surgeon. There he served until 1857. The next 20 years he worked American consul in Odessa, and then 8 years represented home country in the Romanian city of Galati. For his long life he also managed to work as a teacher, civilian doctor and office the clerk.

A photo from open sources

From an early age, Timothy suffered from taphophobia – a panicky fear of being buried alive. Today, this mental state is no longer so prevalent as people realize that in an age progressive medicine the likelihood of being mistakenly declared dead is negligible, although this also happens – for example, sixteen-year-old Nacy Perez from Honduras woke up on her own the funeral. However, before many earthlings seriously feared such monstrous fate and with horror they expected that one day they would wake up in the dark a coffin under a two-meter layer of earth.

Therefore, in those days, the acquisition of called “safe coffins” equipped with special means by which it is possible in which case to notify the outside world is about its sudden “return to life.” In such a coffin air came in from the outside, and from the inside, as a rule, it was necessary pull the cord to ring the bell, raise above the grave flag or set fire to a signal light. The most expensive models even allowed a person buried by mistake to easily leave his gloomy confinement.

A photo from open sources

Some enthusiasts, by the way, make safe coffins and Today. Now they are equipped with video cameras, output devices in Internet, wireless alarm, oxygen cylinders and other indispensable components of the modern world.

Coffin for the grave of Timothy Clark Smith

As for the coffin of Timothy Clark Smith, it was executed under order, and the grave was dug so that in case of awakening the American did not experience in his temporary imprisonment discomfort, waiting for release. True, how exactly should he was to notify the townspeople about it, today it is already unknown. Many believe that for this, together with a man, they put in a coffin the bell, and the cemetery watchmen supposedly had to some contracted time to look daily at a window, making sure that the body of the dead Timothy, as he should be, lies calmly, not trying to return to this mortal world.

A photo from open sources

Old and frayed cemetery records state that in the funeral crypt has another room where it is buried Smith’s wife. If you believe these records, then in the crypt you can go down a small staircase covered at the base of the knoll massive boulder.

A life

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