Unusual land lizard learned to breathe under water

An unusual land lizard learned to breathe underwaterA photo from open sources

The video below showed for the first time to humans the ability of a land lizard to breathe under water, and in a very unusual way. It is a reptile species Anolis oxylophus from the family of iguanoid anolis lizards. Despite for the absence of gills, these amazing creatures found in Costa Rica, able to be under water for up to 20 minutes!

Scientists report that Anolis oxylophus as a result of evolution literally learned to take small stocks under water air on his head. Zoologists Neil Losin and Nate Dappen by chance made this discovery by doing underwater shooting of rare Costa Rican lizards. Experts were surprised to find a bubble air expanding and tapering on the head of a reptile.

The exact mechanism allowing the lizard to take air under water, not yet known. Scientists suggest that the mucus that is covered the skin of the animal forms a kind of membrane under which air is placed. It is noteworthy that the reason lizards dive into ponds, also remains a mystery. Maybe these animals hunt there, but experts have not yet seen this. Just divers lizards …


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