A photo from open sources
At least one hundred different pyramids have been discovered in the world, which, judging in all, they were far from being built for beauty, since almost all they are strictly oriented to the cardinal points and at the same time everything, without exceptions have a certain connection with the most important pyramid of the world – the sacred mountain of Kailash, which rises above sea level 6714 meters.
All other pyramidal structures in height vary from 100 to 1800 meters and have very different shapes. For instance, even rather strange stone structures with concave surfaces called by scientists “mirror pyramids” because, According to researchers, they have an amazing purpose, associated with their “mirror” feature.
More recently, in an old book called “A scenic journey through the deserts of the New World” (by Emmanuel Domenka), released in 1862 in Paris, the researchers found interesting illustration, which depicts so far an unprecedented pyramid (see photo). Unfortunately no one knows even where she stood exactly (Emmanuel calls her Mexican pyramid), its main characteristics, when and for what reasons this unusual structure disappeared from the face of the earth …
Mexico Pyramids