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Residents of the Latin American country of Costa Rica witnessed a unique natural phenomenon, which, however, plunged many of them are shocked because Costa Ricans took a weird heavenly rainbow for a sign foreshadowing the end of the world. True, filming all this on video was not scared.
However, such a rainbow will surprise anyone, because, as specified NASA experts, this natural phenomenon is very rare, much less than a triple multi-colored arc. However similar cloud overflows (namely overflows, not rainbows) periodically occur in one or another place in the world.
For example, a little over a month ago, the same “sign of the end light “saw residents of South Carolina. Americans christened it “rainbow of fire.” In 2007, Colorado residents also observed fantastically beautiful heavenly radiance. However, it is everywhere makes an indelible impression on people, just recently time on the web and in the media too often began to talk about the approaching Apocalypse. Naturally, people see his sign already in every a heavenly phenomenon incomprehensible to them.
In fact, experts explain, “fire rainbows” occur when unique clouds are formed, consisting almost the same drops of water. It is they, these smallest droplets begin to scatter sunlight in a peculiar way – when a certain position of the star. As a result, it turns out unusual effect, and people can observe truly fantastic a picture. Meteorologists add to this that such cloudy overflows may indicate an approaching storm. Ufologists do their assumptions: this is the reaction of the Earth’s magnetosphere to some an external object, for example, on a huge interplanetary ship …