Photos from open sources of
Near the Canadian town of Osuyus is a unique pond – Lake Kliluk or, as it is popularly called, Spotted the lake is believed to be the richest in minerals. It has 365 “circles” of various sizes and depths, as if for every day of the year – round.
Legends and features of the sacred lake
This amazing pond got its name from the indigenous Kluluk people living in the beautiful Okanagan Valley and considering the lake healing and sacred. Representatives come here for centuries to receive healing from their ailments. Ceremonial stone evidence of this piles that can be seen on the shores of Lake Spotted. One of the local tradition says that once between the two tribes in these a battle took place and the belligerents declared a truce so that their wounded could be healed in the miraculous water of the lake. But how only they did it – the enmity is over …
During the summer heat, most of the lake water evaporates and accumulations of minerals are especially visible. They are in the form of spots – different in color, due to different mineral composition. IN Most of the spots are magnesium sulfate – the so-called. “english salt”. They say that there is the highest The natural concentration of this mineral on the planet. Also great the content of sodium and calcium sulfate.
In the driest periods, Kliluk is completely left without water, and then between the spots you can walk, but it’s the strictest prohibited. True, animals still come to the lake, that’s just not clear – why? Do not drink the same water …
A photo from open sources
As for winter, even under ice and snow you can consider on it a kind of “dimples” from familiar circles.
The struggle for possession of the lake
For a long time, the sacred Native American lake belonged to whites, and this despite the fact that the “first peoples” constantly sought to preserve reserve the right to own this land and water. Especially aggravated struggle for this possession after 1979, when the then owner Klluka Ernest Smith decided to discover a unique SPA resort for the recovery of everyone who had money for it.
Canadian Indians Fought Against Two Dozen Years of this event, rightly believing that the lake belongs to them, and white people do not have the right to arrange on the holy land various centers of entertainment and tourism.
A photo from open sources
This struggle ended with the victory of the “first people”, in 2001 Smith agreed to sell the lake to the Indians for 720 thousand American dollars. The deal has taken place, and now Kliluk belongs to the indigenous the population of this region.
Today Spotted Lake is protected as themselves Canadian Indians and the state. Currently it is fenced, although everything goes to the fact that soon there will be an observation deck for tourists wishing to admire this incomparable, some kind of fantastic beauty, without breaking only a delicate natural balance, but also a “wise dream” of sacred stones Okanagan people …
Water Time