Ural girl with a mysterious “syndrome sleeping beauty “

Ural girl with a mysteriousA photo from open sources

Ural resident Alexandra Metelkina every time she experiences genuine fear when they put their little daughter to bed Anna. A girl can wake up in the morning or evening of the next day, and can sleep for several days or even a week. Most often this “hibernation” is short-lived and can be survived at home, however sometimes the child falls asleep for a long time, and the mother has to take her child to the hospital.

A rare disease of a Russian girl

Anna suffers from Kleine-Levin syndrome, also known as “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome”. This is a very rare neurological intermittent constriction disorder consciousness and excessive drowsiness. A person sleeps most of the day, and wakes up, as a rule, only to go to the toilet and eat. If the patient is not allowed to sleep as much as he want, he becomes irritable and depressed.

The little ural girl, fortunately, though sleeps for a long time, but after Awakening leads a full life for a child of his age: playing on the street with peers, spending time with parents, watching TV and looking at pictures in books. Girl can stay awake for one and a half days. When she wakes up, in her energy is literally boiling, but Anna is gradually losing strength in ultimately falls into a deep sleep.

Now the girl is 1 year and 7 months old. That she’s not alright revealed when she was only 5 months old. The girl was at home with his father Maxim. First, the baby is calm played, but then suddenly lay down, turned pale and closed her eyes. The parent immediately ran to his daughter, tried to bring her into consciousness, however unsuccessfully. The child breathed heavily and rarely, his heartbeat slowed down. Frightened Maxim called an ambulance, and the girl taken to the hospital.

Anna slept in the intensive care unit for two days. Doctors put forward next versions: meningitis, encephalopathy, epilepsy, hidden cramps. However, the survey did not confirm any prospective diagnosis. Not finding any babies in health pathologies, doctors shrugged and reported that the urals are healthy. When the girl woke up and stated that she was feeling well, her discharged from the hospital.

However, after three days, Anna again fell asleep, and parents again had to call an ambulance. Everything repeated on new: the examinations failed, and the young patient through For some time I came to my senses. This time the doctors decided to leave baby longer. When they were getting ready to discharge, she fell asleep again. It was decided to send the girl to the Moscow Research Medical University named after Nikolai Pirogov.

Nobody is able to help the “sleeping beauty”

Anna is still under the supervision of doctors, and not only Russian, but also foreign. Her condition never improved. Even German doctors do not know how to help the Urals “sleeping beauty.” Kleine-Levin syndrome cannot be treated, and although this disorder is far from fatal, it is just as easy to guess significantly complicates the patient’s life. Hope remains that with age the girl will feel better. Well known cases when patients with such an illness, growing up, partially or even completely recovered themselves.

Doctors examined Alexandra and Maxim, but did not find them any genetic abnormalities. Mentally Anna and her parents also completely healthy. Metelkin’s apartment was thoroughly analysis. Water and air were clean, no pathogens no organisms or radiation were detected. Anna was removed from the diet meat and other animal products, as well as food with gluten free, but that didn’t help either. The family offered their help psychics and folk healers, including from France and in other countries, however, the Metelkines trust doctors more than clairvoyants and healers.

A photo from open sources

If Anna falls asleep for a long time, she is periodically woken up to feed and drink. True, for a full awakening, this is completely does not look like. The baby reluctantly opens her eyes and, without realizing anything, automatically accepts a minimum amount of food and water, after which comes back to sleep again. During such a half-awake girls rises in temperature. Alexandra and Maxim carefully monitor the daughter’s heart activity during her sleep and cause ambulance every time Anna’s heart rate drops below 70 beats per minute.

A few days ago, the Metelkins saw a new ray of hope. FROM family contacted scientists from Stanford University United States. American experts wrote that the condition is small Russians are of great scientific interest to them. The experts offered to examine Anna for free, you just need to take girl to California.

Water Life Time

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