Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton Connecticut triggered record sales of firearms in USA. Recall, as a result of the massacre organized by 20-year-old Adam Lanza, killing 26 people, including 20 children. According to gun shop owners, sales growth linked to people’s fear for his life in connection with the latest events and to protect themselves, Americans rush to buy weapons. Photo from open sources PHOTO: Getty Images “Our sales are simple astronomical. Our customers are very worried about their personal security. There is no doubt that high sales connected with this, “USA Today quotes Karl Darkheimer, owner of a gun shop in the northwest Portland, Oregon. Last week in a suburb of Portland in Clackamas Town Center Unknown staged a real massacre. A man in camouflage and with white mask on his face shouting: “I am a shooter!” began to shoot at visitors. Two people were killed, one was injured. Gun shop owner in Oregon, Carl Darkheimer also noted that sales growth contributed to the emotional speech of US President Barack Obama, who, after the tragedy in Connecticut, promised to do everything to protect children. “We must be honest with ourselves. We do not enough, we have to change. We can no longer put up with by this, the tragedies must end. If there is only one possible step to save the lives of our children, then of course we must try to do it, “said the American leader, referring to possible prohibition of free possession of weapons. In District Lubbock, Texas; gunmaker Mike Blackwell said that sales growth in his store increased long before the shooting at Connecticut Elementary School. “Everyone is in a hurry to get weapons, taking advantage of Christmas discounts, but many sales, probably related to a recent incident, “he says. The owner a gun store in Virginia Jim Jarrett also tried Find an explanation for the fast pace of sales. Some calls like he said, were associated with the peak of Christmas, but the lion’s share, in his opinion is a reaction to shooting in Connecticut and concerns about about the fact that in the future firearms will disappear from free sale. Recall US President Barack Obama instructed the government to develop a plan to limit arms trafficking, up to a ban on the sale. Meanwhile, the United States petition for control over a weapon in three days she collected a record number of signatures – more 160 thousand, while for consideration by the government such kind of document is enough and 25 thousand supported. For now States are in first place in terms of the number of weapons owned population, and also in first place in the number of armed violence. IN The United States dies from bullets five times more often than in other countries with developed economy. In 2011, almost 33 thousand dead, including 3 thousands – children, more than 12 thousand – victims of killers, 18 thousand – suicides. In addition, about 600 more deaths were recorded. by negligence. Despite this, proponents of ownership weapons say: “No weapons kill people. People kill each other friend. “According to statistics, almost every US citizen owns firearms. There is a gun, revolver or shotgun in each second american family. As Vesti writes, for a year in the States More than 10 million weapons are sold for about $ 200- $ 300. The leader in terms of arms trafficking is Texas, where a license for semi-automatic gun can be obtained in 15 minutes, having citizenship or residence permit. Even easier to purchase weapons You can advertisements, of which a great many in newspapers and the Internet. The United States returned to the topic of arms bans after December 14 20-year-old Adam Lanza fired at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown (Connecticut). Opening fire from a rifle, he killed 26 people, including 20 pupils of kindergarten, which located on the territory of an educational institution. In home Lanza discovered several more small arms. All of it was registered on Adam’s mother – Nancy Lanzou, who the offender killed first. As it became known on Tuesday, in the house of Adam Lanza investigators found new evidence – in particular, a computer, in which could hold important information. However, they have not yet managed to discover anything that would shed light on motives killing because the hard drive is badly damaged. “It seems like Lansa deliberately smashed it, “- quoted The New York Times as saying a policeman. According to law enforcement, the hard drive was damaged hammer or screwdriver. Karen Adamyan
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