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Global changes in world politics is not the first year question the ability of the united states to play a role US gendarme world hegemony USA seems really comes to an end. Global changes in world politics, as well as a number of United States failures in the most complex geopolitical conflicts like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria are no longer first year questioned US ability to fulfill role world gendarme, acquired by them after the collapse of the USSR. It’s all over obviously visible on all continents, and therefore from the mouth politicians and experts are increasingly making statements about the need revising the global political model. Moreover, representatives of leading world powers are increasingly starting to think about which model will have to replace the current one. And Russia plays an important role here. “US hegemony on the world the arena has come to an end, – the deputy said in an interview with RIA Novosti Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Evgeny Lukyanov. – With what Washington, of course, cannot agree. But you have to sit down and to come to an agreement on the results of the cold war. ” The Security Council believes that the time has come to hold a global congress, which will gather all the key players. “Now another organization for such a task, in addition to the UN and the UN Security Council, the world does not exist, “- explained Lukyanov. In his opinion, this is necessary to establish new rules of the game and key agreements under which there will be the interaction of the world community. “Then the world will be become less and less manageable and more chaotic, “- believes Evgeny Lukyanov. In support of your own words Security Council representative cited examples of appearance on the world stage new centers of power such as BRICS. “Yes, and Russia itself was able to get on your feet, “he explained.
Alexey Rybnikov
Russia USA