Photos from open sources The United States fomenting the so-called color revolutions in other countries (Georgia, Ukraine, Libya, and so on) did not notice how they themselves were on the verge of such a tragedy. That’s really clean saying: you will come with a sword, and you will perish by the sword.
But the revolution here may turn out to be purely color, then is afro-revolution. Today it flares up in Baltimore, where it’s already curfew was imposed and a guard was introduced into the city, since clashes between African Americans and local police grew into real pogroms, burning cars and houses. All this Baltimore black protest against cruelty the police. And it all started when the police arrested black Fredi Gray and, as it turned out, he was injured during the arrest cervical spine (that’s so rude and cruel in America arrest people). Moreover, for a long time no one paid moaning arrested attention, leaving the 25-year-old the guy has passed away.
This was the beginning of the protest, although the true reasons for it lie much deeper: it is mass unemployment and poverty African American population and their complete defenselessness from arbitrariness the police. The most amazing thing is that the aggravation of the conflict between white and the black population of the country happened precisely in the board African American President Barack Obama. Despite all beautiful slogans proclaimed by him for the black population practically nothing was done in the country. On the contrary, it began to live worse and poorer, and even the arbitrariness of the police is directed in the first turn against blacks, for example, a black american twenty times more likely to be stopped and delayed by street than white.
Today’s situation is somewhat reminiscent of the sixties, when the killing of a black policeman stirred up the whole country and almost not turned into a real revolution. And if then this bowl (color revolution) bypassed the USA, then today it could quite flare up to nationwide fire.