U.S. researchers find a way to turn off hunger

Laser irradiation of a certain part of the brain of the mouse deprived the rodent of appetite.A photo from open sources

Laser irradiation of a specific area of ​​the mouse brain rodent appetite.

Recently, researchers looking for potential methods fight against overweight discover more and more original ways. But soon, people prone to overeating will receive the only solution that will stop the problem in the bud – we can just turn off the part of the brain that is responsible for appetite.

In an advanced study of a group of scientists from the University of North Carolina group of mice has undergone genetic changes so that small accumulation of neurons (located in the supporting core of the marginal strips of the brain) tends to turn off when exposed to light. But, more importantly, neurons send a message the hypothalamus, which is known as the part of the brain responsible for appetite.

While scientists shone a laser into the brain of a mouse whose neurons were programmed to turn off in response to light exposure, the animal refused to eat, even if it was very hungry. Those mice whose brains have been programmed to the opposite effect in response to continued to eat with laser, even if they were already to the limit stuffed with food until the laser was turned off.

These experiments do not answer the question of whether such measures have a long-term effect – each irradiation procedure continued only 20 minutes. However, we now have an understanding of how overeating mechanisms are at their core, and we finally we can treat the cause, not the symptom.

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