U.S. scientists claim to have proven Bigfoot existence

A photo from open sources

Last November, a group of American scientists, led by geneticist Melba Ketchum, made a loud statement. Experts Investigating DNA Samples of a Creature Like on Bigfoot, came to the conclusion that Bigfoot has much in common with an ordinary person. They suggested that the so-called Sasquatch (another name for a wooly humanoid giant) appeared about 13 thousand years ago – as a hybrid homo sapiens and unknown while primacy. Since this statement several months have passed by scientists, and not a single serious scientific the journal has not yet published all the results of the study. On the last week, however, they appeared in the online magazine DeNovo Journal of Science. Later, however, it turned out that this site was registered at the beginning of February 2013, for a period of only one year. And there are no other articles besides the indicated one on it. On the its online yeti genome research resource Melba Ketchum writes: “We struggled for a long and tiring prove: sasquatch exists. Our attempts to publish confirmation lasted almost two years. But it seems like modern science intolerant of contentious issues. Especially if they come from judicial experts and scientists who cannot be called famous academicians, representatives of major universities. “According to Ketchum, one of major publications agreed to print the results of the study, confirming the existence of yeti. But later on the recommendation of lawyers the magazine abandoned this venture. They found that such a publication damage the reputation of the publication. Now journalists are wondering: could it be that the researchers themselves bought the rights to online edition and published his findings on it? Scientists examined 111 samples of the hair, blood and skin of a creature known like a bigfoot. All this came from citizens and groups. researchers who searched for yetis in 14 US states and two Canadian provinces. However, the results of the work of Melba Ketchum and her colleagues are skeptical. In particular, they celebrate amateur level website on which published research results. Geologist Sharon Hill in Huffington Interview Post said it all looks very suspicious and serious. scientists don’t work like that. So the question of the existence of snow a person, yeti, bigfoot or sasquatch remains open. Not this way long ago, a video appeared on the Internet that children from Kemerovo region. Schoolchildren claimed that they succeeded capture a bigfoot. The video is clearly visible giant footprints in the snow, as well as a black figure flickering far away. However, children could make footprints in the snow themselves, but after a faint silhouette in the distance cannot be judged by who it was. Although, there were scientists who believed the children. So cryptozoologist Igor Burtsev, Director of the International Center for Homology, at an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda concluded that schoolchildren really stumbled upon yetis. According to him, in favor of yeti says the pose of the black figure in the video: arms are long, lowered, back slightly bent. A fairly wide traces indicate that Bigfoot moved towards the village, however the children frightened him, and he, in his own tracks, went in the opposite direction.

DNA Yeti Snow USA

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