Using Mat includes Gene Program human self-destruction

The use of the mat includes a human gene self-destruction program.A photo from open sources

How does the mat affect a person? By this recently many scientists, researchers are concerned. A) At the Institute of Problems Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences Candidate of Biological Sciences Petr Petrovich Goryaev (author of the new science “wave genetics”) and candidate of technical sciences George Georgievich Tertyshny deal with this problem. Researchers invented an apparatus that translates human words in electromagnetic waves. And they are known to affect DNA molecules. Scientists have found that when a person swears, then his chromosomes warp and bend, genes change places. As a result DNA begins to produce unnatural programs. So self-destruction program is gradually transmitted to the offspring. Scientists recorded that swear words cause a mutagenic effect similar to what gives radiation exposure with a power of thousands X-ray

The experiment with radiation was carried out on seeds for many years. Arabidopsis plants. Almost all of them died, and those that survived became genetic freaks. These monsters, having carried many diseases, inherited them, and after several generations have degenerated. Interestingly, the mutagenic effect was independent of strength. words, they could not be pronounced either loudly or now in a whisper. On this based scientists concluded that certain words have informational effect on DNA.

A reverse experiment was also conducted: scientists “blessed” seeds killed by radiation in ten thousand x-rays, then messed up genes, torn chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and grew together, the dead seeds came to life.

Someone may doubt: how ordinary words can affect hereditary program? The fact is that the idea of a genetic apparatus consisting only of chemicals, long out of date. Wave genetics suggests that a gene is not only a cell. The human program is encrypted in the so-called the garbage part of DNA, and not only in chemicals, but also in physical fields that form around chromosomes and have holographic structure. All information about the past, present and the future of the body is contained in a convoluted form at every point wave genome. DNA molecules exchange this information with using electromagnetic waves, including acoustic and light. Scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech, its wave “ears” are directly adapted to trapping sound vibrations. Pushkin once wrote to his wife: “Do not sorrow your soul by reading French novels,” and not in vain. Molecules heredity receive both acoustic and light information: silent reading reaches cell nuclei by electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, another text injures. Prayer words awaken reserve opportunities genetic apparatus. The curse destroys wave programs, and therefore, violates the normal development of the body.

B) a famous psychophysiologist, doctor, member of the World Environmental Academy Leonid Kitaev – Smyk claims abuse of obscenities slowly but surely leads to hormonal disorders, especially in women. Beauticians noticed that those of their clients who can’t live without a mat, more than others suffer from increased hairiness limbs, they have a lower voice. The fact is that the mat promotes the production of male sex hormones.

C) other experiments: our Ural scientist Gennady Cheurin conducted experiments with water

Plant DNA

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