Valentin Degterev discovered a pyramid near Dyatlov Pass

Valentin Degterev discovered a pyramid near the Dyatlov PassA photo from open sources

Nizhny Tagil conspiracy theorist and researcher of the death of the tourist group Dyatlova Valentin Degterev shared with readers of his blog a new a curious find. According to an online journalist, he managed find something on satellite images of the legendary tract suspiciously reminiscent of a large pyramid. Coordinates potentially sensational Russian findings are as follows: 61.988230 °, 59.507525 °.

Our compatriot reports that various mysteries of nature and mysterious anomalies are found everywhere in the Northern Urals. Even where tourists constantly go, you can find something unusual. Valentine used a popular map service “Google Earth” to view Dyatlov Pass and surrounding areas aerial view. 26 kilometers to northwest of the infamous place where Soviet people died travelers, there was a big mountain peak, and on it – strange symmetrical pyramidal object.

The height of the proposed structure is about 13-14 meters. A possible pyramid stands out strikingly against the background of the mountain and looks as a man-made object, and made very skillfully. Degterev it’s not taken to say this with absolute certainty, however the specialist believes that this is really about the construction, made of rare marble or any other breed, not found in the Northern Urals.

The author of the find goes further and suggests that we have an ancient artifact directly related to the sacred Mansi Mount Holatchahl. Perhaps he was, or even still is the subject of worship of the Voguls. Degterev doubts that such a complex structure could be erected by the Mansi since this would require sophisticated special equipment. Maybe it was representatives of extraterrestrial civilization? ..

Dyatlov Pass Pyramids

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