A photo from open sources
In the Komi Republic of the Russian Federation, local residents Olga Kucherenko and Mikhail Smirnov installed a video trap in a dense forest, the lens of which caught a real yeti.
At least, the organizers of this video pane themselves think so, as, however, many cryptozoologists who have already met with unique frames.
The camcorder was installed at about fifty kilometers from the city of Syktyvkar, and the place is far from chosen by chance: firstly, it’s a wild, almost impenetrable forest, secondly, it was here that local hunters often noticed Mysterious creature – Bigfoot. But the main reason is that Olga herself met here once a yeti, whom locals call it yag-mort. The woman was so amazed at this meeting that she contacted the famous Russian cryptozoologist Igor Burtsev, who advised to establish in DVRs in the forest, and next to lay out the “gifts” for the yeti – bread, apples, thanks to which a chance to catch in the camera lens the mysterious creature will increase significantly. And so it happened …
A photo from open sources
The frames turned out to be cleverly clear. We see them (see entry below) as a bipedal hairy figure flickers several times in gaps of trees. Unfortunately, it’s far (meters 70-80 meters), but even that is great luck. Here is what Igor himself says on this occasion Burtsev, who is the head of the International Center hominology and who received this video from authors among first:
Without a doubt, this is a bigfoot, scientifically, hominoid. Notice how peculiar it is. moves just like a bigfoot female in a unique video Gimlin and Patterson, filmed by them back in 1967. No one man, not a single monkey has such a “floating” gait. Therefore, Olga Kucherenko and Mikhail Smirnov can be congratulated on great luck!
A photo from open sources
According to Olga, a bigfoot, he’s a yag-mort, for some reason he didn’t look at their treats, he didn’t even come close to the cell, as if he understood that it was a trap, albeit harmless for him, but anyway – a trap.
Now this video is analyzed by many cryptozoologists in Russia, the USA and many other countries of the world. By the way, among them there are experts who at one time verified the authenticity of the movie about bigfoot Patterson-Gimlin, proving that these are real shots. It seems that they will draw the same conclusion in this case.
Igor Burtsev himself immediately went to the place of shooting, that is, to Republic of Komi. He wants to find traces of a snowman, to determine by his and broken branches his height, perhaps even gender, and if you’re lucky – and the habitat. But usually, yetis are very careful and also have incredible abilities, say, fantastic intuition, telepathy, hypnosis. Trace such a hominoid is not an easy task.
The fact is that snowmen are capable of dissolving into in the air. Some researchers say the yetis go to their parallel world, others – that they are able to “look away” observers, stalkers. Whether it is true or not, it’s not known exactly but to track down this mysterious creature is a whole problem, even to remove on a video in high quality never fails, let alone catch how some hunters dream, something completely transcendental.
So this time, the yeti did not even come close to the video trap: obviously, he felt something was amiss and immediately went away …
Yeti Russia