Vladimir Putin: Russian language needs to be saved

Vladimir Putin: the Russian language needs to be savedA photo from open sources The other day at a meeting of presidential councils Vladimir Putin spoke out in defense of the Russian language. In his opinion, the priority task of the state is to develop the native language, increasing the quality of education in schools and universities, and requiring good knowledge Russian not only from the young generation, but also from adults also.

President of Russia to address important issues about the future of his native collected language in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace (there was nowhere else to place such a huge number of people) Council on the Russian language, as well as the Council on interethnic relationship. Vladimir Vladimirovich reminded everyone that in Representatives of 193 nationalities live in the Russian Federation, speaking almost 300 different languages ​​and dialects, each of which, according to the laws of the Constitution, is carefully stored.

Language is not just a part of the culture and history of the people, it is, first of all turn, his self-awareness, as a separate, independent and independent nation or nationality. According to the president, in an era modern information technology when the level of Russian noticeably decreased, much attention needs to be paid to training young people to write correctly and express themselves competently in their native language language.

At the meeting, they proposed the most radical measures to address this Problems. Igor Volgin, writer, professor of two prestigious Moscow universities – Moscow State University Lomonosov and Literary Institute. Gorky, proposed to introduce in all universities of the country, regardless of specialty, compulsory Russian language exam.

A photo from open sources

Lyudmila Verbitskaya, linguist scientist, president of St. Petersburg State University, was set up not so categorically, and offered to draw more attention to the level of education of Russian politicians and officials. In her opinion, it would not hurt them all to take conversational courses. Russian.

Advisor to the president and great-grandson of the famous writer, Vladimir Tolstoy, advocated that all the problems associated with a separate language was engaged in the Russian language (including financial) department. And the most important issues in the field of history, culture and interethnic relations should, in his opinion, rise members of the highest humanitarian commission, which will be a kind of analogue of the military-industrial.

All opinions expressed regarding the development of the Russian language by Vladimir Putin were taken into account and recorded. In more detail about which changes await the ministry of education and what measures will be taken to preserve and protect their native language, we will learn in November at the Forum peoples of Russia, which will be held on the Day of National Unity.

Vladimir Putin Russia

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