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Today, in the 21st century, it’s perhaps impossible to surprise anyone unlimited possibilities of computer technology, which capable of literally creating almost new universes out of nothing, to model any, even the most fantastic images or voices. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why today the phenomenon electronic voices (FEP ones are extremely skeptical, and others make transcommunication a lifelong business. VOTE DEATH MOTHER We must not, however, forget that the first discoveries in the field of electronic voice phenomenon were made on the dawn of the emergence of communications when artificial voice creation no one could even imagine. One of the first and most famous people who made contact with the other world were Thomas Edison. Experimenting with a sound recorder – prototype voice recorder, he caught the voice of his dead mother. it the event hit the inventor so much that he set a goal create such a sensitive technical device that with it help, like on the phone, you could communicate with your loved ones and friends who have gone beyond the brink of the material world. Unfortunately he did not have time to translate his ideas into reality, but history preserved it intent in the following words: “If our personality is experiencing death, then it will be strictly logical and scientific to admit that it preserves memory, intelligence, other abilities and knowledge, acquired on this earth. Therefore, if a person continues exist after what we call death is reasonable suggest that those who leave Earth will have a desire to enter contact with those whom they left. I tend to believe that she the person we will become in the future will have the opportunity affect matter. If we can develop a tool so sensitive that it can be affected a person who survived death, then such an instrument, being affordable, should record something. “STAY ON COMMUNICATION! Decades after death Edison’s life as a Swedish artist and film producer Friedrich Jurgenson was destined to change dramatically in order to bring the ideas of the legendary inventor to life. In the spring of 1959 Jurgenson recorded the voice of birds in his country house on a voice recorder – This was one of his favorite activities. Listening to the recording, he heard against the background of bird chirping the deaf and distant voice of a man, talking about night birdsong. Surprised in earnest, Jurgenson found out that not a single Swedish radio station that day transmitted programs of similar content, which excluded the possibility of spontaneous recording of radio. He tried to forget about this strange case, but, apparently, the contactees are “on the other side” didn’t want to lose touch with the person they chose to establishing the first instrumental in modern history transcommunications. After all, Jurgenson knew several languages, moreover, Being a former opera singer, he had a delicate ear for music, good memory and attentiveness. Since the first connection otherworldly contactees did not leave him alone – the voices began cry out to him, breaking through the sound of rain, the crackling of logs in fireplace, buzzing electric shavers and the sounds of streams of water. Messages had one meaning: “Please hear us. Stay in touch.” SHIP OF THE DEAD Frightened in earnest for their mental health, Jurgenson decided that if these voices are not hallucinations, but real and objectively exist, then they can be written on film and demonstrate to others. Therefore, Friedrich Jurgenson became the first and most famous transmunicator in modern stories. To communicate with the inhabitants of the other world, he used radio, tape recorder and voice recorder. For several decades of their own, seemingly fantastic experiments he recorded kilometers films with messages of different kinds from their relatives and friends. His managed to hear the voices of Chaplin, Hitler, Trotsky, Churchill and many, many others. Perhaps the most amazing thing is the recording Adolf Hitler’s monologue: on her, the Fuhrer is unusually quiet and speaks in a relaxed voice about his spiritual and mental tormented and repents of everything that he has done in his life. “We lived in utter confusion … “he says. One of female contactees noted: “Hitler is no longer a beast. Death has come fair. “Besides the curious details of the posthumous the existence of the German ruler, Jurgenson managed to learn about some household details of life on the other side. It turns out for establishing ties with the world of the living departed use a special a technical device that they themselves call “radar.” Moreover, often referred to as a “ship of the dead” on which everyone lives the dead and ruled by … Trotsky. To questions about heaven and hell, oh To God and the devil, the dead answered unequivocally: they themselves never saw a personified God, and heaven and hell – human tales civilization. People who have lived a decent, honest life continue her and after physical death. Those who have committed many bad deeds, after death are in a kind of deep sleep, from which there is no way to exit yourself, if only someone from outside cannot wake their consciousness. But it is fraught posthumous state similar to madness. Among other things, all animals after death also continue their lives and everyone has a chance to meet “there” a beloved pet. FACTS — DIRECT THING Of course, you can twist a finger at the temple, suspect transcommunicators in craziness, find alternative options for the origin of voices on film … But there are many facts that kill almost all doubts and counterarguments. Firstly, many people who are not sure of the authenticity of the votes on Jurgenson’s films, had the opportunity to attend sessions records. And almost always, acquaintances contacted witnesses and their kindred people telling nobody known details of their privacy. Secondly, Jurgenson’s films were studied by specialists in radio engineering, sound recording, psychology and parapsychology; also contacts were carried out in their presence. They all excluded the ability to record radio broadcasts, wireless transmission of information, sound materialization of thoughts, imaginary interference with voices and other likely and not-so-good reasons for voices to be taped. IN different times Jurgenson managed to enlist the support of such authorities in the world of science, as professor psychologist Konstantin Raudiv, physicist, Nobel laureate Brian Josephson and many others. Studies and thoughts of people like Thomas Edison, Elena Roerich, Boris Abramov, Bertrand Russell, one way or another confirm objectivity of the experiments of Friedrich Jurgenson. Jurgenson himself repeatedly arranged press conferences where he answered questions, lost his notes in the presence of journalists and set in real-time contacts with your foolish friends. Jurgenson’s discoveries turned the worldview of millions people on Earth, and even the Vatican did not condemn such experiments – on the contrary, supported the first transmunicator and its research. BRIDGE BETWEEN WORLDS In 1971, a follower of Jurgenson, professor Uppsala University Konstantin Raudiv recorded FEG in Acoustic Laboratory Pye Records, Ltd. At work Raudiva watched by the leading engineers of the recording studio in which he was a tape recorder is installed, controlled by another recorder device. The studio was completely shielded from exposure any radio and television signals. Record was conducted 18 minutes under the strictest control, the professor was even forbidden to touch the equipment, just ask questions to your invisible interlocutors. Upon completion Sessions listen to the film and find about two hundred (!) different voices that no one heard during the recording! Today work on the construction of a bridge between two forever disconnected as it seems worlds continues around the world. In our country, successfully The Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunications and everything suggests that the seemingly impossible connection of the world living and the world of the dead will cease to be fiction. Everything in ours hands, because, as you know, until the mind realizes that it can there is another sphere of being, no rational evidence will not help. Maria Milyaeva
Time Life Bridges Birds