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In the United States, not only the Yellowstone Super Volcano scares Americans. For example, one of the most dangerous fire-breathing monsters here considered St. Helens stratovolcano located in the state Washington, very close to the major cities of Portland and Seattle.
In the late eighties, this giant volcano literally induced horror for the entire surrounding population, and its eruptions in peak activity nearly one and a half billion damage to the state in 1989 dollars. At the same time, about sixty people died.
However, the St. Helens stratovolcano was not only dangerous, but still very mysterious: as a result of recent studies of this monster, geophysicists from New Mexico were surprised to find that he is currently empty, cold and dead: his once the awesome activity simply went down. Now under the volcano completely absent magma. Where did it go and why, judging by everything can periodically return to this fire-breathing mountain, scientists still do not quite understand.
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Researchers have suggested that magma reserves are not under St. Helens Volcano itself, and fifty kilometers east From him. At some point, the magma begin to move west, and then the stratovolcano comes to life and becomes alive and dangerous. That’s just it is not clear how the fiery lava moves to such huge distance, because nearby there is nothing more like this from There is no St. Helens, moreover, this area is generally considered seismically calm.
However, even if we agree with this fantastic theory that magma can go away and come to the volcano on such a huge distance, it remains a mystery why she does it and not ejected, for example, at the point of its constant accumulation. Really, as esotericists say, volcanoes have intelligence and even a character that can manifest itself in such amazing “whims”? ..
The most dangerous are active volcanoes.
True, the most scary and at the same time no less mysterious (unpredictable) there were and remain active volcanoes. how scientists say, from volcanic activity from about 1600 (there is simply no earlier written evidence) nearly three hundred thousand people died. It turned out to be the most tragic the eruption of Tambor volcano in 1815, which claimed the lives of almost one hundred thousand Indonesians.
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Coventry Matthew University of England Blackett claims to be by far the most dangerous are five active volcanoes. Moreover, the activities of each of they can turn around for nearby settlements of this a tragedy that modern science is not something to prevent, even to predict so far is simply not able to. So this is:
Vesuvius in Italy
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Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic Congo
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Popocatepetl in Mexico
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Krakatau in Indonesia
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Pektusan in North Korea
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In the video below you can watch the erupting lava of fire Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, which is also the most youngest and most active on the planet, because it does not stop its fire-breathing activities since January 1983, and since March 2011 even entered the most active phase of the eruption. American Photographers Marc Jacobs and Jack Fasco shot it, according to their own figurative definition, from the distance of “outstretched arms.” Unique shooting lasted more than twelve hours.
Volcanoes Monsters