A photo from open sources
Voronezh District Court considers unprecedented lawsuit customer to the bank. Voronezhets Dmitry Alekseev (last name changed) wants to recover compensation from Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank amount of 24 million rubles. Alekseev independently made changes to contract document – prescribed unlimited and interest-free loan, and bank employees, without knowing it, agreed to customer conditions. The court recognized the loan agreement as legal, and the chances of Satisfaction of the claim is now rated as high. Dmitriy Alekseev issued a credit card from ZAO TKS in 2008. From The client bank only required a completed application form. Alekseev turned out to be much more prudent than other borrowers and carefully studied the conditions for concluding a loan agreement. As usual, the most important points – about interest rates, commissions and fines – printed in small, almost unreadable type, and potential the borrower often simply ignores this information. Alekseev, to In short, the ex-law enforcement officer scanned contract and made several significant changes to the document in the same small print: interest rate for using a loan and commission for cash withdrawal is 0%; the client has the right not to pay all fees and fees stipulated by the tariffs. Client confirmed that he is familiar with the current General Conditions and tariffs posted on the Internet, referring not to the official website of the bank is www.tcsbank.ru, and to your website www.tcsbank.at.ua, where two more interesting points were provided loan contract: the Bank is not entitled to make changes and Additions to these General Terms and Conditions unilaterally. IN case of changes, additions, replacements of the General Terms and Conditions in unilateral order by the bank, the bank pays compensation to the client in the amount of 3 million rubles for each subsequent change, addition, replacement of the General conditions. Upon termination of the contract unilaterally, the client prescribed compensation from the bank in the amount of 6 million rubles. Bank employees sent an approved copy to Dmitry Alekseev application forms and credit card, accepting the conditions proposed by customer. Bankers fell for their own bait – did not read about fine print of the document. The bank drew attention to the terms of the contract only in 2012, when he tried to recover from the client through the court all delays, commissions and fines – in the amount of about 45 thousand rubles. However, the court rejected the claim, and now the Voronezh resident has filed a lawsuit with intention to recover compensation from Tinkoff credit systems changes in conditions and tariffs unilaterally – 3 million each rubles for each. In his opinion, the bank violated eight points contract, therefore, is required to pay 24 million. PR-service “TCS” comments on the situation as follows: “The bank does not claim the amount of a claim of 24 million confirms. Will prove his case in court (appointed to September) “. In addition, representatives of the bank argue that so far there is only a lawsuit for 900 thousand rubles. Bank lawyers hope lawsuit will be rejected due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, but if the case if it’s lost, it’s not just that someone’s heads will fly – the case will come in into textbooks, and Dmitry Alekseev will become a national hero. Tinkov about 24 million: no one will win anything from us!
A photo from open sources
A lot of noise made the story about the fact that a certain sharp resident Voronezh is about to file or has already filed a lawsuit against Tinkoff Bank credit systems “demanding to pay him 24 million rubles for violation of the terms of the contract. The owner of the bank Oleg Tinkov lively responded to the popular excitement:
Oleg Tinkov @olegtinkov
It’s time to stop the “diamond dream” and daydreaming about 24 million). No one we won’t win anything, it’s a dream to get rich). So finish and to sleep
“God, what kind of country? Your fraudsters are heroes, 90% steal content in “VK” and not even shy about it. Freeloaders and lazy ones alone. Carriage me, the carriage! “- the businessman is saddened in another message. Users in different ways comment on Tinkov’s indignation, and oddly enough, he answers them. In particular, to a replica of a certain Denis Gavrilov, that in the country “~ 40% of the population is below the living minutes and 80% with RFP below 15k, “the banker writes: Denis Gavrilov @ denis125
@olegtinkov forgot about unemployment benefits? I can then you can afford to buy, but there are ~ 40% of the population below the living min. and 80% with RFP below 15k
Oleg Tinkov @olegtinkov @ denis125 lazy romka @Romanesko
@Lvov_mk @olegtinkov @tcsbank in general, bank lawyers seem to flaunt, justifying their zp. a business losing. I had to read the contract.
Stanislav Eliseev