War of the future invisible soldiers on the invisible tanks

A photo from open sources

At one time, the department of military inventions under the Ministry US defense instructed not to accept applications, offering the creation of a perpetual motion machine, underwater machine and invisible tank. In 1975, the USSR created an underwater machine and the list decreased by 1 unit. However, it seems that “invisible tank “will be crossed out soon. Creating a full-fledged combat vehicle, invisible to the human eye – a matter of several years.

Disguise is a matter of life and death for a soldier

Once a firearm became a decisive factor defeats on the battlefield, disguise became a matter of life for a soldier and death. In the Boer War of 1899-1902, the British in bright red uniforms in close formation went to the positions of the Boers and those dozens of them were shot from carbines. And when the Boers acquired machine guns, the score went to hundreds. The British closed the system chain, and instead of the scarlet uniforms, a dark green form appeared – the so-called “khaki”.

But even in khaki, the soldier remained a target. In the First World war companies and battalions that went on the attack before reaching enemy positions lost up to 2/3 of their composition on neutral strip. Over time, the situation only worsened. Modern weapon with its performance characteristics (range, rate of fire) practically do not leave taken to the front of a soldier a chance of survival. To survive, soldier should become almost invisible. The task was set and military technology experts began to work in this direction.

Theory of Invisibility

The first theoretical justification of the “invisible cap” was proposed by scientists at Moscow State University in the 90s of the XX century. Any item visible because light rays meeting an object either refract or absorbed or reflected by it. The Invisible Man from G. Wells changed the physical properties of his body and the rays passed through it without being absorbed or refracted.

But this is in a science fiction novel. Scientists have suggested another way: rays should go around the object, as if flowing around it. In this case the observer instead of the object will see a picture behind him. IN the theory was all set. It was up to the engineers.

Invisibility cloak

The first “invisibility cloaks” appeared in the early 2000s. Were they are of poor quality, but it was a breakthrough, and in 2012 Canadian Hyperstealth has begun testing a complete product. The cloak functioned without bulky equipment: batteries, mirrors, cameras. The military were happy and immediately took custody of company, therefore, willingly demonstrating the results of its work, the developers of the company keep all technical details secret.

By creating a “blanket” capable of making a person invisible, Hyperstealth’s specialists are now working on a “blanket” able to cover the tank.

Screen Method

As often happens, the task at the same time It was realized by several groups going along different roads. Practical engineers went their own, more bulky, but technically in a more feasible way. The idea they proposed was simple as wheel. A screen is installed between the observer and the object, on which camcorders design the landscape shot behind the subject. For the implementation of this idea does not require fundamental scientific development, but you need to bring to technical perfection the existing ones technical means.

A photo from open sources

British invisible tank

In 2007, the British showed an invisible tank. He was covered with plates, each of which was nothing more than a screen. Dozens of cameras shot a picture behind the tank and brought her to the plate screens. At the request of the audience, the tank could make it not only invisible, but also turn it into a truck or car, displaying the corresponding picture on the screens. the effect was awesome.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

However, when the emotions calmed down, the audience noted that the tank wasn’t so invisible, and when moving so frankly visible (the picture is late). But in general, the military was satisfied and allocated money to continue work.

Invisible war

Of course, certainly in many countries except the UK and the USA invisible uniforms and equipment are being developed, and many will succeed. So in future military conflicts on the invisible front invisible soldiers will fight on invisible tanks. Here only the results of hostilities will not be invisible.

War Time Life USA

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