Warning: jellyfish are coming!

Warning: jellyfish are coming!A photo from open sources

We all know the transparent jellyfish umbrellas, limp sea ​​currents. Often meeting with them is fraught only unpleasant sensations of the touch of their bodies, sometimes our rest is overshadowed by burning “bite” of some poisonous individuals. There are jellyfish capable of not only leave a burn on the skin, but also kill. According to the biologist Lisa Ann Gershwin, we seriously underestimate this look. In his the book “On jellyfish and the future of the oceans” the scientist is trying to reveal features of our jelly-like neighbors and pay attention the public that soon they can become the most real threat. These sea creatures breed with a huge speed, kill people, destroy the oceans and do many more one that allows them to be attributed to very dangerous living organisms. They have been living on our planet for more than half a billion years! Must to give them their due – very few succeed. Its vitality and the successes of jellyfish owe their life cycle. They are capable of everything: cloning, external and internal reproduction, separation, merger, cannibalism and much, much more. For example, jellyfish Mnemiopsis lays eggs on the 13th day of life. And for she doesn’t need a partner. It takes a little time, and she already lays up to 10 thousand eggs a day. And she is able to eat 10 times the weight of your body and add twice as much everyday. Among other things, many jellyfish are very difficult to kill. Caught in danger, they go to a variety of tricks. For example, they may be reduced in size, but retain body proportions. Other jellyfish have a talking name – “zombies”, because they are virtually immortal. When they break up into parts, cells combine in jelly, from which in five days a new jellyfish appears. Complex ecosystems have long succeeded control the number of jellyfish. However, human intervention everything has changed. The number of natural enemies of jellyfish in ecosystems decreases, while the jellyfish population is growing at a tremendous pace. While many species of fish and marine animals die from increased acidity of the oceans and CO2 levels, these harsh conditions do not harm jellyfish, or vice versa. At this waste products of their organisms are rich in carbon. Then there is, to top it all, jellyfish with bacteria also fill the oceans with carbon dioxide. In her book Lisa Ann gives one example of the survivability of jellyfish. In 2000 in the year they seized in the Gulf of Mexico an area of ​​150 square kilometers and have been flourishing ever since disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill the year before year, destroyed many species of marine fauna. In July 2006 jellyfish actually disabled the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan. The Japanese complain that they are attacking Japanese power plants since sixties of the last century. However, how to deal with this a jelly-like threat while completely unclear.

Japan time

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