A photo from open sources “the United States begin an information war against Of Russia, “are the words of Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State and a possible successor to Obama. They sounded after adoption anti-Russian resolution. The document in which Russia without any evidence is declared guilty of all troubles of Ukraine and others neighboring countries. Congressmen demand decisive action from Obama against Moscow and in particular pay attention to propaganda. Goal – at all costs to interfere with the work of the Russian media and cause people dissatisfaction with the policy of Moscow. Anti-Russian Resolution Number 758 with an unprecedentedly sharp and numerous set of charges accepted overwhelming majority: 411 votes in favor, 10 against. Inter-party disputes on this subject in the lower house of Congress – zero. There is neither a Republican, nor a Democrat, but everything and everything – American interests. “The time has come to recognize that Russia is under the leadership of Vladimir Putin – a threat to European security and US interests in the region, “said Congressman Eliot Engel. From the document it follows that Russia is to blame for the situation in Ukraine, in Georgia, Moldova. Moscow threatens neighbors, as well as EU countries, and what there, the whole world. Not that the results – progress in there’s no investigation into the Malaysian Boeing disaster, to the investigation, led by Western experts, more and more questions, but in the US Congress has already decided everything: Russia is also to blame, and because they push the president to put pressure on all other countries to they applied a wide range of sanctions. “We urge the president cooperate with allies and partners of the USA in Europe and others countries around the world in order to jointly prohibit issuing visas, freezing financial assets, introducing industry sanctions and take other measures to exert pressure on the Russian The Federation and its leadership, “the document says.” At stake more than defending Ukraine’s independence and sovereignty, ”notes Congressman Ileana Ros-Leitinen. – showing Putin that his aggressive actions lead only to unacceptable consequences for him and his regime, we thereby warn others against thoughts that we and our allies do nothing to him stop. “The name of the Russian president sounds almost through word. US lawmakers do not hide: they are the main blow want to inflict according to Vladimir Putin. His record high support among Russians and citizens of neighboring congressmen very annoying. They are sure: the whole matter is in the Russian media. Americans are ready to speak Russian and explain what’s what. “We urge the president and the Department of State to develop a strategy multilateral coordination for production, acquisition and distribution of news and information in Russian in countries with a significant part of the Russian-speaking population, “- another quote from the document. Voice of America, Free Europe Radio and Radio Freedom is required to broadcast 24 hours, 7 days a week. It is no longer appeal, and the law adopted by Congress in April of this year. Money allocated. 10 million dollars. Target Audience – East Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova. Broadcast languages - Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar. The project is supervised by the Department of State, its former the leader three years ago outlined the mission. “We are in a state of information war, said Hillary Clinton. – During the Cold War, we were incredibly successful in bring America’s voice. But after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we decided – “That’s enough, it’s done” – and, unfortunately, we are now serious paying for it. “Catch up on going to American scope. Resolution adopted in the lower house of Congress is no less than a “road map” of the new “cold war”, found some political observers in the US and Russia. Resolutions neither President Obama nor the Senate oblige. But, as practice shows, when it comes to Russia, there can be no two points of view in Washington. Different branches American authorities, as a rule, tend only to one side.
Barack Obama Vladimir Putin War Time Moscow Russia USA Ukraine