Water can be happy and unhappy

Water can be happy and unhappyA photo from open sources

Every year on March 22 is celebrated the Day of Water (Water Resources), which was established by the UN in 1993. Seventy percent of the territory our blue planet is covered with water, while drinking is not so a lot – a drop in the ocean. Perhaps that is why because of the water in the world constantly serious conflicts arise. Over the past fifty years there have been more than five hundred, of which twenty resulted in real wars.

On earth, all life consists of water, for example, in the body of a baby its 80-90 percent, but in the body of the elderly – only about 50 percent. Hence the conclusion: aging is our water loss the body. By the way, a person drinks about 35 tons of water for life. TO Unfortunately, basically he drinks not pure water, but various drinks and consumes liquid dishes on the water. Maybe for this reason and loses precious fluid from your body …

It seems that everyone has more water in the oceans. However it is not So, in the mantle of the Earth it is ten times more. Moreover, almost all of this a huge mass of water (including sea water) is not suitable for use. Fresh water on the planet is only three percent. However and it’s almost all in the glaciers.

And finally, water is capable of storing information – this is the greatest the mystery of our water planet. That is, the most ordinary water can be happy or unhappy, joyful or sad, alive or dead … Thanks to this unique property of water it can be use for conspiracy, suggestion, treatment, attraction of good luck, money and so on. But first, any water needs to be cleaned of previous information (numerous informational garbage). The easiest way to do this is to freeze water (more about everything watch this video).


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