Water monster hit the video in Mongolia

Water monster hit the video in MongoliaPhotos from open sources of

Mongolia has its own Loch Ness monster? Local named Sodnomdorzh walked near Lake Uureg and suddenly noticed on the surface of the pond an ominous dark figure about 250 meters from the coast. Surprised man hastened to get his mobile and capture his astounding find in the video.

By turning on the entry below, you can see an elongated dark object, slowly floating at dusk along the lake. Skeptics, of course, will immediately declare that this is, say, a log or a lot of garbage, but the author of the video does not believe in such theories. By his According to him, this is a living creature of impressive size.

Firstly, says Sodnomdorzh, I saw him firsthand, and the human eye easily distinguishes living from dead. Secondly, in that the moment I felt this beast with every cell of my body, since we, right, contacted him at the energy level or what else is there, but I well understood that this is far from log…

The length of the lake monster, according to the calculations of Sodnomdorzh, is 7-8 meters. When the mysterious movie appeared in the World the web and attracted the attention of many Web users, the Mongols remembered the medieval legend of a giant creature in the lake Uureg.

Locals call him the Blue Bull. According to tradition, this cryptid appears on the surface of the reservoir once every 60 years and makes sounds reminiscent of the mooing of a bull. Then the monster again disappears in depth for six decades. Some parents even scare the Blue Bull of naughty children, claiming that they will give them in case of disobedience to the devastation of a huge water monster.

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