We are replaced by a generation of centenials

We are replaced by the generation of centenialsPhotos from open Sources Opinion that the new, coming generation is worse previous, existed at all times, and supported it, as you know, is precisely the representatives of the “old generation”. However, if we follow the logic, humanity would then long ago already degenerated and died out, like mammoths. It’s slow though but still evolving, and now it is completely at the threshold of birth a new, in all respects more advanced, sixth race, the forerunner which became the indigo children.

Today a new generation has formed on earth, representatives which received the name centenials. Young centennials are so dramatically different from their parents that some researchers predict global change for humanity already in the next twenty to twenty-five years (according to the theory of generations, put forward by Neil Howe and William Strauss in 1991, namely a quarter of a century is the term for the complete change of one generation to another).

Centennials: what kind of people are they?

The exact date when this generation was born is in between 1996 and 2000 (different researchers define her in different ways). In general, we can say that these are people born at the turn of the millennium.

A photo from open sources

Unlike all other generations, it appeared in an era well developed Internet and mobile communications. Centenials don’t even represent how you can do without smartphones, tablets, computers, the World Wide Web, all kinds of programs and applications that they not only live, but, you can say, breathe. These children, who are also called generation Z, practically do not share virtual and real worlds, which is very convincing demonstrated the game Pokémon GO, which “crazy” millions people all over the world. The definition of “contagion” and “epidemic” she gave “fathers and grandfathers “; for generation Z it’s completely natural that virtual and real smoothly flow one into another, mixing and mutually complementing each other …

Centenials formed by modern technology

As centenials have grown in a multicultural environment, the most they feel comfortable on social networks. They don’t care who is their interlocutor, where he comes from and how old he is. The main thing – to make it interesting to communicate with him. It is the most calm and extremely tolerant generation.

It is noteworthy that centennials do not need any anti-advertising applications: an ad block in their head. To banners and contextual advertising they will not pay any attention until something really interesting for them will not appear on the screen. The amazing property of error-free and painless screening all that is superfluous! ..

A photo from open sources

Hyperactivity and inability to concentrate on anything longer a few seconds – another amazing property of centenials, for which is literally despised by the older generation. Really, Z people prefer not to read but to watch: this is how one can learn maximum information in the shortest possible time.

Can centenials be considered flawed in something?

In no case. Agree, after all, and the previous generation in it looked flawed in the eyes of his fathers as it demonstrated too much practicalism, too little spirituality and soulfulness, well etc. It’s just that the centenials studied in a completely different way, to for example, their online textbooks are riddled with hyperlinks, and indeed the main textbook – the World Wide Web – does not look like the previous ones sources of information.

A photo from open sources

For this reason, representatives of the Z generation are used to thinking. globally, passionate about research and prone to various developments. At the same time, they don’t like anything “long-playing,” constantly switch their attention, and therefore are used to taking solutions are very fast. And never return to the same a question several times …

What centenials can do

They know exactly by what laws information lives, how it mine with minimal effort, as it optimally to dispose of. They perfectly see (see exactly) how, say, “hook” a person, what to offer him, how to make an interlocutor happy or, conversely, touch him to tears. Senior to their generation, their indefatigable likes in social networks seem idiotic, insanity on selfies and the like, about which, by the way, wittily ironic Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov. But, perhaps, dear Mikhail Nikolaevich, like most of his peers, simply not able to understand the essence of this new, no matter what not like a phenomenon never seen before? ..

A photo from open sources

But it’s enough to recall the saying of the eastern sages, who claimed: the one who owns the information owns the world. Now imagine that of these obscure, uncomfortable teens pretty soon a society will be formed in which the main the driving force will not be logic, as it is now, but intuition, everything knowing and allowing to choose optimal development paths. But after all namely illogicality and apparent stupidity in the actions of the centenials most annoying and depressing of us, “smart adults.”

What centenials value most

Definitely – freedom and security. This generation is growing in the era of ongoing strife: wars, local showdowns at the level of countries, orange revolutions, endless terrorist attacks, economic crises and shameless lies from all sides (they are good understand almost from the diaper). Therefore, the main things in life for them become calm and prosperity, not violence and greed.

Therefore, they are prone to minimalism and tend to more harmonious life in all its manifestations. And if today’s (like many previous) millennials generation is literally obsessed with fame, wealth and power, the centenials are devoid of such illusions, and therefore, up to eighty percent of them want to become entrepreneurs – not to build capital and “steepness”, but for the manifestation of their true talents.

A photo from open sources

The centenials are not rebels and not mindless dreamers, but because they do not aspire to drugs, nor to debauchery, nor to precocious early marriages, considering family life a matter of great importance and responsible. They don’t want to destroy anything, their task is to create, gradually transform the world, making it beautiful, humane, spiritual, joyful and happy. Today it seems teenage romance, but after all tomorrow (do not have time to look back) these romantics will occupy key posts in society.

To understand centenials, we learn from them a vision of this of the world

If you want the centenials to understand you, strive for any the information coming from you was visual and emotional, not written and logical.

Learn from centenials to act quickly, on a hunch, practically without hesitation. If you are used to doing everything slowly, a hundred times measuring and coordinating with the authorities, you will inevitably lose and fly out of the cage. But how so, some will ask, because haste can lead to errors and irreparable the consequences?

A photo from open sources

The fact of the matter is that Generation Z is based on intuition, feeling, and not on logic and reason, and therefore, acting swiftly, it never wrong. Learn to live by intuition, advises one of spiritual leaders of Russia M.S. Norbekov, and then you will not have to step on the same rake several times. Sixth Sense allows you to easily avoid any obstacles, and the seventh – just remove from your path everything that prevents you from moving forward. Exactly such intuitions and people see the new earth race, which will begin form centenials.

It is difficult for the older generation to understand them, since centenials in some incomprehensible way combine minimalism and love for shopping, hyperactivity and education, complete indifference to many common values ​​and universal thinking, and so on and things like that. But when, I want to ask, the old generation understood the new? Is it not about this – about the insoluble problem of the fathers and children – hundreds of books, articles, scientific papers have been written? And here not just a new generation, here – a new era, a new time, here – centenials …

Indigo Children Life Russia

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