We photograph hallucinations?

Taking pictures of hallucinations?A photo from open sources

One of the first who recorded a mysterious on a photographic plate radiation from the eyes, was a Parisian artist Pierre Boucher. is he moonlighting then, at the end of the XIX century, in fashion taking pictures. And one evening the photographer was drunk, as they say, “to hell”, and in the most literal sense: how he himself told me, all night he was haunted by hallucinations – after him chased two vile traits with a pitchfork in their hands. In the morning he trudged into his laboratory: it was urgent to show the shots on the eve photographic plates. Chaos reigned on the desktop: exposed tapes mixed up with clean ones. Long and hard, the artist considered them, trying to figure out which ones need to be displayed. In the end he finally gave up this hopeless occupation and showed everything in a row. He began to check the quality and was dumbfounded: they looked at him from the records those same vile faces of night guests. But it was no longer hallucination: negatives turned out to be quite tolerable photos. A friend of the artist, a naturalist, was extremely interested after this mysterious phenomenon and after examination of the negatives even sent to the French Academy of Sciences an article on the possibility of photographing alcoholic hallucinations. As expected, venerable scholars publish this “sedition” did not dare. But a phenomenon became interested in the famous astronomer, one of the first popularizers science and researchers of abnormal phenomena Camill Flammarion (1842-1925). He has published several articles on “mental photos, “about the” rays coming from the eyes. “Soon new results confirming the reality of such photos. About the Rays from the eyes “with visual hallucinations and even their projection outward into At the end of the 19th century, the famous Russian psychiatrist V.Kh. Kandinsky (1849-1889): “Pictures projected on the screen … invisible in bright light, but it’s worth darkening the room as they come out very sharply and brightly. “A lot of” psycho-photographs “made in 1915, the famous Japanese sensitive Tenshin Takeuchi. On his pictures are clearly visible not only induced from the eyes on the film contains separate hieroglyphs, but even entire paragraphs of the book. Other Japanese psychic Kogichi Mita in those years showed no less impressive effect: he conjured up landscapes and the buildings that the “experimenters” ordered him, and then, staring at the film, imprinted them on it. Phenomenon Theda Serios Mystical turn of the century, as always, has changed characteristic of the middle ages materialistic stage, and in research of psycho-photographs has come for several decades lull The American violated it in the early 60s of the XX century merchant sailor Ted Serios, decommissioned ashore. He accidentally found that with his gaze he could illuminate film. More in addition – to project your own mental images onto it. For fun to the public, with the help of thought, he began to record various pictures. The camera was directed to his face, clicked the shutter and … instead of the concentrated physiognomy of “Ted’s drunkard” on the manifest some (most commonly known) films were detected buildings, structures, landscapes … Intrigued scientists persuaded Teda quit the bellboy job at the Chicago Hilton Hotel and Become a paid “experimental rabbit.” For four years about eight hundred experiments with Ted were conducted by American researchers J. Pratt and Iain Stevenson in the famous laboratory American psychiatrist Jula Eisenbad in Denver, Colorado. To avoid fraud, scientists sealed the Polaroid themselves ordered Tae-do “pictures”: buildings, landscapes … And in ninety percent of the cases he executed the order with stunning accuracy. Not about what fraud was out of the question. However, it did not without curiosities. Sometimes semi-literate Ted on objects he imagines projected labels with grammatical errors. On real buildings these errors were not. Sometimes films from of the past. So, once the researchers for a long time searched in kind for a facade and strange sign “Wid Gold Store” of some store that appeared on a whole series of shots of Ted’s thoughtforms. Ted himself could not help – He never saw this store. Nevertheless, they found the building – in forty miles from Denver to Central City. But it turned out that the sign on Ted’s “shots” is already outdated – the old inscription “Old Gold” Store “changed to another -” Old Wells Fargo Store “. Perhaps in as a result of this, something average appeared on Ted’s “thought-graphic” – fancy “wid”. Explain the nature of the phenomenon of Ted Serios then not could … Women paint with thought In the 1970s, Ted’s baton Serios picked up Margaret Fleming. But, unlike predecessor, she did well without a camera. In during the experiments, she only needed to mentally focus on some image and then mentally project it onto film or photo paper held in front of her eyes. So in an amazing way she managed to create truly artistic “psycho-photographs”: portraits of people, nude nature … Some of these “thought-graphs” in June 1976 published the magazine “FATE”. Around the same years in the USSR, similar qualities were demonstrated by the famous Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina (1926-1990). At the request of scientists, she not only lit up with thought photographic materials, but also exhibited on the film ordered by her figures and symbols: stars, crosses, letters … All this carefully documented by independent commissions consisting of reputable scientists. Matches hit … In 1973 32-year-old Permian psychiatrist Gennady Pavlovich Krokhalev took experimentally confirm more than one decade version that visual images arise in the brain and are transmitted on the retina, from where they are emitted into space. Especially for For this purpose, a simple device was designed: on the face hallucinated patient wearing an underwater mask swimming. The stretch fur from the camera was connected to it. Photocor, the narrowed part of which docked with the lens movie camera or camera. Photographing (or filming) visual hallucinations were carried out in complete darkness at a distance 15-45 centimeters from the eyes of the patient. In addition to this, was used and another, even simpler technique: to the face of the patient (at a distance 20-35 centimeters from the eyes and without any equipment) for 10-15 seconds brought a negative film or photographic plate embedded in lightproof black package. It would seem completely uncomplicated experiments, but already in the first stages of research in 87 of the 203 patients in the Perm hospital were photographed images, arising in their brain during hallucinations. During photographing or filming researchers asked patients out loud describe your visions. These stories were recorded and then compared with images that appeared on film. Matches astounded. The photographs clearly showed what the time of the shooting was told by patients: “animal horns”, “fish”, “lake and moose “,” road, tanks and soldiers “,” factory “,” tree “,” hell “, “snake”, “sunflower” and much more. Control frames when there were no hallucinations, no illumination or images. The hypothesis of radiation from the eyes was brilliantly confirmed in practice. Is the eye a “biolaser”? So, the fact didn’t cause anyone else doubt. The time has come for his comprehension. Nature hypothesis the phenomenon of “psycho-photographs” today is not so much. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M. Herzenstein (VNII optical-physical measurements) considers that the results described the experiments of psychiatrists are completely consistent with the laws of physics. is he fully admits that sensitive retinal cells are sticks and cones – have the property of reversibility. It is possible that they work like semiconductor photodiodes, which may not only perceive light, but also become its emitters – LEDs, if a current is passed through them. In other words, retinal receptors can be both receivers and generators some kind of radiation. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yu.G. Simakov agrees with this version: “Not visible light comes from the eyes, but most likely electromagnetic waves with an oscillation frequency, inaccessible to our eye … It can be assumed that in difficult something like a retina X-ray biolaser acting with very short flashes. My studies have shown that if in the place of docking the lens fibers, the so-called suture, introduce a laser beam, then further along the fiber, it moves like a fiber … Perhaps this ways and information is transmitted from the retina to the surrounding space … The eye works like a biolaser, like a “magic lantern”, able to write thoughts on the screen … “Today is the problem “thought photography” is occupied by scientists from various countries. And although directions and results of paranormal studies in connection with their strategic value is usually not advertised, some information from time to time become public. For example, not so a message flashed long ago that Japanese scientists had already created highly sensitive screen on which contours appear images or people when someone stares at him. There is information about similar developments in other countries. Hypothesis radiation from the eyes fits perfectly into today’s scientific paradigm and therefore is no longer considered a special heresy. However, traditional scientists are confused by the range of radiation. The fact is that flashing and exposure of the film with thought images occurs even when placed in a lightproof the envelope. Based on this, Doctor of Technical Sciences A. Chernetsky suggested that “radiation from the eyes is formed not only in the visible wave range, but also in some other, in which black paper the package is transparent. “Recent studies have confirmed this hypothesis: it is proved that the human eye is capable of emitting weak x-ray and coherent (“laser”) radiation. Remains continue the logical chain: if these rays are modulated any information (mental images), it is likely fixation of these images on film or photo paper.

Time Artists Japan

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