Photos from open sources of
In the province of Fujian in eastern China, a strong low tide. Due to a significant drop in water level, part of the ocean near the coast became so shallow that locals could calmly walk on it, looking for various mollusks, crabs and other marine life, for the most part, out of curiosity.
The video below was made by one of these curious. A man suddenly found a strange fish in the water with a large mouth and a kind of solid “shell” on the back. Eyes incomprehensible fish are located in front of her head, and not on the sides, from which we can conclude that we have a predator.
A surprised Chinese man showed these shots to several fishermen and marine biologists, however, they were not able to determine what kind of fish. Roller managed to fly around many sites of the World Wide Web, but so far no one web user failed to shed light on the nature of this sea creatures. Perhaps this is a completely new species of fish, not known to official science.
Water China Fish