A photo from open sources
In the hotel of the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi, absolutely everything is made of ice from ice: walls, ceiling, furniture and even utensils, down to glasses. Fading Yukkasjarvi Swedish village Yukkasjarvi, founded in the 16th century, located in Lapland, in the very north countries, 200 km from the Arctic Circle. Until the 90s of the last century the village was slowly dying. The population of the settlement was declining, young people, coming of age, sought as soon as possible leave his father’s house, dispersing through major cities. There is work life is in full swing. And what to do here in this sleepy kingdom of snow and ice? Local authorities puzzled, looked for ways to save the dying Jukkasjärvi. Event with a “puncture” In 1989, decided organize an exhibition of ice sculptures. The idea was not new, such exhibitions have already been held in many countries. To stand out, the organizers invited famous Japanese ice sculptures. It cannot be said that money rain fell on Yukkasjärvi, but the invested funds were beaten off even with a profit. It was decided to develop idea and make the event annual. Next year organizers large “pierced.” So many tourists came that in the local the hotel did not have enough places. Locals took guests home and all the same, there were not enough places. It smelled of scandal. How the “puncture” gave idea of a successful commercial project One of the organizers proposed a brilliant (without quotes!) idea. Among the ice exhibits the exhibition was an igloo – a house made of ice, the winter home of the Eskimos. In it and He proposed to settle a few tourists a genius. The idea of the laws marketing has been clothed in the appropriate wrapper: “Only with us! Spend the night in an exotic igloo! It will be remembered for a lifetime! In that for free next year for money! “Of course, guests are not put in underwear on an ice bed, and equipped with mattresses and sleeping bags.
A photo from open sources
The next morning, instead of the expected complaints, the organizers received a lot of rave reviews. No one complained about the cold. But: “Which air! “,” Surge! “,” An unforgettable experience! “Everyone tried describe the beauty of the first rays of the sun, refracted in the ice blocks and did not find words. Next year instead of igloo tourists Expected already built from ice hotel “Jukkasjarvi” , rooms in which booked in advance. Ice Hotel”Jukkasjarvi”
A photo from open sources
Photos from open sources
Now every year in October-November, residents of Jukkasjärvi begin build an ice hotel. The nearby Tourneelven River time freezes to the bottom and building material from ice sculptors abound. Walls, roof, furniture – absolutely everything at Ice Hotel icy. (Only in the cheapest rooms are wooden beds.) The usual temperature at the hotel is about 10 degrees (of course, minus), on especially “hot” days the hotel “warms up” to minus 4. Guests are given sleeping bags with fur or fluff. Quite so Frozen can drink for teething in the ice bar of fire tequila from ice glasses. Banquet is available at the ice restaurant, while ice church lovers can be married. Photos from open sources
In addition to tourists, dozens come to Jukkasjärvi every year artists – masters of ice sculpture to practice in his skill. Therefore, each number is unique. In one box represents a Viking rook, in another – Elvis Presley’s car, in the third – the face of the dragon, the fantasies of the creators simply have no boundaries. IN In April, the hotel closes and returns to where it came from – at Tourneelven River. By summer, only memories remain of him, photos and videos. Melted Ice Hotel every year have to rebuild. But the villagers are only happy. Many who have been to Ice Hotel for the next year again aspire Jukkasjärvi, because every year a completely new hotel awaits them, with new wonders and new experiences.
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