Western diet brings people to the grave before time

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The French scientists came to the sad conclusion. Typical western high fat and sugar diet drives people to the grave ahead of time. The usual foods we eat every day directly affect the disease in old age.

Hot soup with fresh white bread, a juicy steak, and for dessert, Of course, coffee with cream. And the cake – to cheer up. A menu familiar to any European. But just such a set of products Scientists have recognized the most harmful to health. French experts conducted a study: red meat, white bread, butter and sweets can significantly reduce life span.

True, you should not completely abandon your favorite food, he noted Nutritionist Maria Studenikina:

“Of course, you need to reduce the amount of data consumption products. Red meat is more dangerous than it – there are a lot of purines in it. it substances that increase the amount of uric acid in the body and may lead to a malfunction in the metabolism. And this is fraught with deposition salts in the kidneys and joints. Their number must be sharply reduced in through an increase in wholesome foods: white lean meat (in mostly poultry fillet), due to complex carbohydrates. ”

The influence of diet on the risk of developing certain diseases has been studied. good enough. However, due to health status in the elderly nobody was engaged in age. Scientists watched five thousand volunteers for 24 years. When patients turned 51 year, the researchers summed up. Only 4% remained healthy normal for their age, and had no chronic diseases. At 12% – stroke or heart attack, and in 3% of cases they were deadly.

A typical western diet is high in fat and sugar. it contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases – the main health hazard after 40. It is proved that if a person is young does not overeat and eats mainly natural products, It can prevent the disease of aging. Need to accustom yourself not to eat what there is no benefit from, explained nutritionist Olga Perevalova:

“Sugar for us is a favorite product, although it has nothing but naked calories. Sugar has neither vitamins, nor proteins, nor macro, micronutrients – pure glucose and all. They like sugar simply because what a treat it is. It is added everywhere: necessary, not necessary, even in sauces – the ones that control meat, poultry and fish, – and everything confectionery”.

The ideal diet is very simple. For breakfast, nutritionists recommend combine dairy products and cereals, egg dishes or cereals. For lunch – light soup, as a side dish to the main dish – vegetables. Before lunch is worth a snack fruit, and after – you can drink fermented baked milk or eat a handful of nuts. Dinner – no later than 9. Ideal – fish and vegetables. And it is better to refrain from sweet fruits, potatoes and bread. A if you allow yourself goodies, then only in the first half of the day.

Ekaterina Ivanova Time Health Birds Fish Fruits

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