Western science does not want to admit that Roman civilization founded by the Slavs

Western science does not want to recognize that the Roman civilization was founded by the SlavsA photo from open sources

Ask any Western historian a question about the antiquity of European peoples, and you will hear that the history of the Germans, Italians and The French has many millennia. The Slavs appeared in VI A.D. and against the background of Europeans – real babies who just crawled out yesterday from the diapers. Meanwhile, the Slavs in the 1st millennium BC. e. attended the Apennine Peninsula and created there a high the culture from which all Roman civilization grew.

Forerunners of the Romans

It is believed that the foundation of Western European civilization laid Greeks and Romans. But Roman culture did not arise out of the blue. In any textbook you will read that its basis was the culture of the Etruscans – the people who lived in the territory of modern Tuscany.

Engineering, gladiator fights, chariot races, theaters, military art, state management system, urban planning – list everything that the Romans borrowed from Etruscans can be long. The Etruscans (neighbors called them Tyrrhenes) were wonderful sailors and the sea along the west coast of Italy still called Tyrrhenian – the Etruscans were sovereign the owners.

A photo from open sources

Even Rome itself was founded by the Etruscans. Famous capitol the she-wolf was created by Etruscan craftsmen and only a few centuries later, figures of babies Romulus and Remus were attached to her. Built Etruscans two thousand years ago, the water supply system (cloaca maxim) is still since it is included in the sewer system of Rome. The Etruscans Romans borrowed the symbols of imperial authority: the throne and the Fontsi (bundles of rods with double hatchet in the center).

However, the people who did so much to become Roman civilization, Italian historians call “the most mysterious by the people, “about which almost nothing is known: from where he came, where then disappeared.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Come from nowhere

What the Italian historians are absolutely sure of is that the Etruscans were not from Italy. Anatolia (Turkey), Reaction (Alps), Lydia (Asia Minor), distant Scythia – wherever you go Etruscologists drove this ancient people. However every hypothesis crashed: scientists admitted that the Etruscans are not relatives of none of the tribes known to them. It would seem the answer the Etruscans themselves must give all questions, because more than 10,000 written samples of this people.

But scientists only shrug: read the records of the Sumerians, Egyptian hieroglyphs are deciphered, but Etruscan letters turned out to be so hard nut that it entered the Italian folklore: faced with a problem that he is unable to solve, the Italian in He says: “Etruscum non legitur!” (Etruscan not read!). It is read, and how!

Champi, Volanskiy, Chertkov and others

In the middle of XIX, mysterious letters read Italian Champi, Pole Volansky and Russian Chertkov. Sebastian Ciampi devoted many years to the study of Etruscan culture. Had tried he decipher their written language, but alas! None known to him ancient languages ​​was no good as a key.

A photo from open sources

In 1817, the Italian moved to Warsaw, where he headed the department Greek and Roman literature. For general education began to study Polish and was surprised to find that the Etruscans the letters “spoke”! Inexplicable cryptography turned out to be based on Old Slavonic language. His discovery in 1824 he shared with colleagues, but the very idea that Roman culture rests on Slavic foundation was so blasphemous that the scientist was just ridiculed.

In 1846, the Polish historian and archaeologist Tadeusz Volanski published his work on the Slavic origin of the Etruscans. In the book “Monuments of Slavic writing before the Nativity of Christ” he went further and announced that writing among the Slavs appeared much earlier than among the Phoenicians, Jews, Greeks and Egyptians. IN proof of his theory he presented Slavic inscriptions, found by him in Persia, India, Italy and Egypt.

The Catholic clergy could not bear this; labor brought in the “Index of forbidden books” and sentenced Volansky to be burned at bonfire from his own books. Fortunately, Poland was part of the Russian empire, and such a radical step required the permission of the sovereign emperor. Nicholas I did not give permission (are they crazy? XIX century in the yard), but ordered the book to be removed from free circulation, so as not to spoil relations with the Vatican.

In 1855, the Russian scientist, archaeologist and numismatist Dmitry Chertkov also spoke in favor of the hypothesis of the Slavic roots of the Etruscans. Western scientists brought down a flurry of criticism on him, but Chertkov was rich, noble, independent and spit from a high bell tower at all critics.

In 2001, the brochure “Holy Old Russian Text” was published from Pirgi “Russian lexicologist V. Osipov. Based on scientist deciphered tens Etruscan inscriptions, read hundreds of Etruscan words.

He sent his work to Etruscologists in different countries of the world, but he nobody answered. The luminaries of Western science stubbornly consider the Etruscan language extinct, without relatives. Western world never recognizes that the foundations of Roman (and therefore all European) culture laid migrants from distant lands on which today is spread huge state of Russia.

Posted by Klim Podkova


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