What are angels?

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Do you think you have a guardian angel? Most consider that there is. Today there are especially gifted people who are for a fee will help you get in touch with your angel – the keeper. Usually they meditate, stare at the flame candles. Then they send you a message from the guardian angel. Medium can even sketch how your Guardian angel. All differently relate to this kind of to messages. Someone will consider this a fairy tale, and someone will take it for clean coin everything that this medium will say. In any case, the theme of angels, in lately few can leave anyone indifferent. Today you can hear all sorts of media reports about how guardian angel saved someone from death, supported in difficult times etc. In the USA, every week people watch a TV program in which talk about how angels affect people’s lives. Only in About 400 books about angels can be found in one bookstore. IN popular films of angels are represented as people who have died, and now they walk on the earth and help people. Angels dedicated many different songs. According to statistics in every 10 popular song, there is mention of angels. In stores you can buy all kinds of souvenirs and amulets with the image of angels. Eileen Freeman who publishes a magazine about angels, and has written 3 books on guardian angels, says: “I’m sure how many angels are in heaven, so many of them on earth – their responsibilities include not only praise God, but also help people. Each person at conception a guardian angel is given who monitors the life of a person until those until a person leaves this world. “Her words show well What is the opinion of the guardian angels today most people. How can angels help? Many turn to the Bible, for information about the spiritual realm. The Bible has evidence that that angels exist. It tells that it’s spiritual creatures, which are very many. The Prophet Daniel was told that: “Thousands of thousands served God, and darkness came before him.” Of These words show that there are many angels, and they obey God. there is the view that angels are people after death. But the Bible shows that angels were created by God long before the advent of not only people, but also our planet. The book of Job, for example, talks about how angels rejoiced when God created the earth. Angels are creatures of God, for us they are invisible. In addition to angels, there are still seraphim and cherubim are also spiritual creatures. They possess reason and power far superior to ours. If translated into Russian language words malach (in Hebrew) and aggelos (in Greek), then it means an angel or literally “messenger”. And indeed, those Bible messages we can read about angels indicate that these creatures did convey important messages to people from God. Everyone knows how the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and said that her son will be born, who will be called Jesus. Angels informed the shepherds on the field that the Son of God was born. And such cases are not few. And from of these cases, we can conclude that all the news from the angels was in according to the will of God. Often people to whom this message was transmitted They did not agree with the information transmitted. Angels came to people by the will of God, and people did not call them. Many people would like to know Is it possible to call an angel for help in difficult times, and which angel need to call. Some books about angels even list angels, what position they occupy, their duties, ranks. You can even find the “hit parade” of angels, the most popular and reputable. The books give tips on how to get in touch with an angel. Interestingly, unlike these many books, Bible, called only two names of angels. There are reports of angels who did not want to give their name. One of the angels mentioned in the Bible, when asked to say his name he answered: “I am the leader army of God, “another angel replied,” What are you asking about the name my? It’s wonderful. “This indicates the modesty of the angels, that they they wanted to focus people’s attention not on themselves, but on the news from Of God. From the Bible, you can also learn that there are also evil angels. They are also called fallen angels or demons. They too there is an interest in people. They cheat people, introduce them to error, divert from God. And it turns out they are very successful, because they, like good angels, are superior to man in all relationship. The Bible warns us: “Do not believe every spirit, but check whether they are from God … “1 John 4: 1. Therefore, before check the prediction from the angel, it would be right to check not whether they contradict the will of God. Today too hear stories about angels where they rescued someone from trouble. IN one popular book can read a story about how an angel brought a girl from a burning house. Like two students who are in a car stuck in a snowdrift, suddenly the truck pulls them out of there, and he disappears without leaving even a trace. There is one more work, where tells about a woman who got cancer. In several days Before the operation, a tall stranger came to her. He called himself Thomas, and said that from God. He raised his hand, and through the body women passed a hot light. When she went to surgery, doctors marveled that the cancer has disappeared! Many who read similar stories a natural question arises, why do they help one people, and no others? Millions of people died from an accident or severe illness, during wars, and natural disaster. Many of them perhaps desperate for help. Why is the guardian angel not came to their aid? Angels, of course, are interested in our physical well-being, but they are more interested in our spiritual condition. That is, what a close relationship we have with By God. Because the benefits of physical assistance are temporary, but from spiritual is eternal. It’s like if you want to help a person, don’t give him fish, and give him a fishing rod, because such help has more lasting result. Modern books about angels prompt show childish passivity and blind faith in angels, not using your mental abilities. Such thinking encourages us. we don’t have anything to believe that we are walking in life with a good angel It’s worth worrying, because nothing depends on us anyway. People often forget that God is behind the angels. He is willing to help people if they ask Him for help, not angels. Of course we don’t know much about angels, we don’t know in to what extent God uses them to help us in everyday activities. But one thing we know for sure, angels serve God as well as people, and they are interested in our good relations with God, because it is on this that the success of our life depends.

Angels Time Life

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