What are Egyptians stubbornly silent about pyramids?

What are the Egyptian pyramids so stubbornly silent about?Photo from open sources

Egyptian pyramids continue to attract scientists from all over the world, in including Russian. Now Egyptologists have joined physics and mathematics. Why?

Pyramids are not places of worship

Exact scientists, for example, mathematician Sergey Siparov or physicist Andrei Sklyarov is haunted by the fact that the most famous the pyramids in Giza do not fit religious buildings for Pharaohs.

Firstly, they were built long (more than a thousand years) before of how the pharaohs began to build tombs for themselves in Luxor – Valley of the Kings. Everything is clear with the tombs: large and comfortable walkways for people, inscriptions of who is buried and when, and so on. With the pyramids in Giza, everything is different. No inscriptions that these are tombs pharaohs, the inner passages are made clearly not for people, but for some other goals. It seems that the mummies of the pharaohs got here by accident …

Secondly, the grandeur of such structures is striking, fantastically verified accuracy of the sides of the pyramids around the world: up to three minutes, although the human eye does not notice a difference of ten degrees (why do the tombs of the pharaohs have such accuracy?), even modern construction is not able to achieve such a striking accuracy. Yes, and it is not clear – why is it? Not to mention who and how erected these fantastic buildings. For example, in Japan at one time decided to repeat the experience of such construction, but nothing came of this venture, since already on the tenth row stacking blocks people began to interfere with each other, and did not save in this case even all modern construction equipment.

Thirdly, the passages in the pyramids are more reminiscent of some energy channels, such as modern receiving antennas, but nothing not devices for moving people inside these structures.

The place where the gods are born

A photo from open sources

Having analyzed these and many other parameters of the pyramids in Giza, Russian physicists and mathematicians concluded that these structures intended, most likely, to change a person’s consciousness, located inside the pyramid. Due to the effects of this of a fantastic “device”, a person could connect with the Higher Mind and unlimited possibilities of seeing the essence of things opened up for him and the ability to influence the environment. It is no coincidence in the pyramid itself time changes, and the ancient Greeks called structures in Giza fire or energy channels.

So what are the Egyptian pyramids silent about? See documentary of the same name in which about these constructions are told a lot of new and interesting. For instance, why they, despite their different sizes, are arranged identically, moreover with such meticulous precision? That they are related to other pyramids, found on our planet, say, Mexican (by the way, the ancient Mexicans called their pyramids the place where the gods are born)? And how is it possible that ancient people could build something, unattainable to modern man not only from a technical point of view view of the construction of such structures, but even understanding – why were they built at all?

Pharaohs Pyramid Time

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