What are kisses good for?

What are kisses good for?Photo from open sources Kissing is not only pleasant, but also useful. But what are kisses good for? So, here are 25 reasons to kiss: Kisses are good for mood. You can improve mood. just to kiss. As scientists at the University of Berlin proved, a morning kiss that lasts 20 seconds creates a romantic mood for the whole day. Kisses for weight loss One kiss on the cheek – minus five calories. Passion kiss burns about 30 calories. Therefore, those who want to lose weight, here’s a pleasant and healthy means! Kisses improve immunity kissing lovers go to doctors much less often. The reason of that simple – during a kiss in the body special substances – neuropeptides that destroy various viruses and pathogenic bacteria. So kiss on health! The positive energy of a kiss In Japan, it is believed that kisses able to charge with positive energy – both men and women. Japanese even introduced “sepun” – this is the art of affection with the help of language and kiss yourself. This technique includes a large number of types of kisses (e.g. rain of kisses, kiss of fire, butterflies, souls, etc.). A kiss for optimism British psychologists during experiments found that lovers of kissing are more likely to express themselves as optimists, they are more confident in their abilities, and therefore faster achieve personal and professional success. Kiss from caries It turns out that a long kiss normalizes acidity in the oral cavity, and better than chewing gum. What conclusion? Kiss each time after eating, reducing the risk of tooth decay. A kiss for adrenaline A passionate kiss causes the same chemical reactions in the brain, like parachuting, fast riding or pistol shooting. So thanks passionate Kisses increase the level of adrenaline in the blood, which contributes to increase human activity – both physical and mental. Kisses relieve pain It is noteworthy that a kiss from a loved one man acts as a painkiller that is stronger morphine about 200 times! Kiss to save the world and Calm Kiss is a good remedy for avoiding answer, or to silence a man. Therefore with kisses can avoid conflicts and unpleasant conversations. Kisses strengthen the family union According to statistics, about 40% of couples believe that a French kiss is one of most important manifestations of love. And psychologists say that “deep” a kiss is the best prevention of divorces. Kiss for long life In the course of research, American scientists found that people who kiss a lot live on average on five years longer than those who are not so attached to kisses. Kisses from allergies Japanese doctors say a long kiss reduces the production of histamine in the body, which is cause hay fever. Kissing continuously for half an hour, we get a vaccine for this disease. Especially if we kiss under calm pleasant music. Freud’s Kiss Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, oddly enough, considered kisses of sexual perversion. There is even a joke about this: Old Freud tried everything that is possible in sex; and what he did not like, attributed to sexual perversions. Kisses lead to orgasm. It is known that 94% of women from kisses with lovers enjoy, and 1-2% of women even reach orgasm. But even if you are not from this minority, kiss and enjoy and enjoy it! Kisses are good for cardiovascular system During a kiss, noticeably quickens pulse: in women up to 150-180 beats per minute, and in men up to 110-120. Kisses help prevent vegetative-vascular dystonia, and also disorders caused by inadequate blood circulation in the body. Kisses as a remedy for stress and depression Eric Byrne, an American psychologist, says kisses should become an important ritual in the life of every person, because, from his point of view view, the kiss of a loved one – is the best remedy for depression and stress. Walter came to the exact same conclusion. Touman, a famous professor who devoted his whole life the study of emotional stress and the fight against it. He even created a special course called Antistress, and includes the practice of kissing, which plays one of the most important roles. Kisses from viruses Australian scientists found in saliva is a huge amount of natural antibiotics. When during kiss they enter the body of another person, begin have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Kisses speed up thinking Passionate kiss with a loved one who lasts more than a minute, speeds up the heartbeat, improves blood flow, therefore, more oxygen enters the brain cells. Thanks to this, thought processes accelerate and increase concentration, and information is remembered better. Kiss for peace of mind From the point of view of psychologists, kisses are also needed to maintain peace of mind. Women in ages 20 to 30 to feel the harmony between inner and outer world, you need to kiss regularly with his chosen one. Other age categories kisses too useful. Kisses cleanse the lungs Kisses have the property to prevent various broncho-pulmonary diseases. It happens because breathing is accelerated during kisses and the lungs are working faster, which contributes to their purification. Kisses Marilyn Monroe As Marilyn Monroe said, a smart girl kisses to conquer the heart of a man. And she knew a lot about it. Therefore, if you want get the heart of a real prince, kiss him. Kisses useful for wrinkles. When kissed, about 30 facial muscles, some of which cannot be used by others ways. Therefore, such a “face charger” is wonderful wrinkle prevention method. Kiss brings money to the house From opinion polls it became clear that men who every morning they kiss with their wives, have a higher income. Kisses of spouses excite passion, and passion makes work it’s better. Kiss will tell about feelings. If you want to express his feelings, the best way to do this is to kiss – he will tell your chosen one more than words and confessions. That’s so kisses are good. Kiss for health!

Viruses Time Life Health Japan

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