What are zebra strips for?

A photo from open sources

Researchers have long been trying to explain the purpose of the unique black and white zebra. Some suggest that, stripes on the body of zebras helps them not to overheat in hot conditions African climate by controlling the temperature of their bodies. Others believe that the original color helps zebras as much as possible effectively disguise yourself from predators, and also avoid bites tsetse flies that carry dangerous diseases.

Why do zebras need strips?

To unambiguously answer this interesting question, the researchers decided to go further, as a result of which they collected the most comprehensive information on how ecology and climate affect color of african zebras.

Scientists have found that identifying stripes along the back of a zebra most closely related to rainfall and air temperature its habitat, it is absolutely independent of quantity predators and dangerous insects in the region. These results show that stripes on the body of a zebra mainly serve to regulate the temperature of her body, and not to mask from predators and flies.

Other African animals also need to be regulated. body temperature, however zebras are at a better position, as they have a kind of their own air conditioning. A business in that the black and white stripes have different heating rates, than create an additional cooling system for the animal’s body.

However, not all so simple

It turns out zebras, unlike other African herbivores animals digest food much less efficiently. Therefore, to eat the right amount of food they have to be on the heat of the midday sun is much longer than other animals. At in such circumstances, an additional cooling mechanism is not just a nice bonus, but a vital necessity …


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